I have recently got a laser with 15k galvos. When I use Mamba Black to display the ilda test pattern it only runs at about 8k before it shows tails and the circle/square are the wrong size.
I got in touch with the supplier and he has replied with this :-
All that is attached are 2 images, one is a connection diagram, the other is a picture of the board identifying 3 trimmers (1 for size, 1 for damping and the 3rd for gain/scanning speed/driving current).We received the following from our technical department
When we adjust our 15KHz scanner, we used PHOENIX software which was
developed by BOCATEC in Germany and based on their tech. Different
software make a little bit different setting and adjustment for scanner, that
could be the reson why you have only 8KHz with Mamba Black. Please find
attached for the scanner adjustment instruction. You could adjust the scanner to fit your Mamba Black software.
Best Regards!
Please advise if this now solves your issues.
Can anybody advise how to adjust and in what order as to not damage anything?