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Thread: Hey Spec, A Request

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    East Sussex, England


    To what ends do we need these 'stars'?
    Frikkin Lasers

    You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?

    I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.

  2. #12
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    A lab with some dripping water on the floor.


    Quote Originally Posted by Solarfire View Post
    Hmm.. Just because something has engineer on it doesn’t mean it has engineer in it. I know, I have to hold the hands of about a third of our engineers.

    That is the quote of the year.

    In fact that is getting engraved here. However, it is part of the engineering process, and actually is not a negative. It is the way it will be. Except for the ones who come from the good ENG schools who still have mandatory project labs and do not like simulations.

    "He who says it cannot be done should not stop man/woman who is doing it!"

    I know this is gross, but at the ends of gigs I had to get on my knees and blow the cooling water out of the hoses by mouth before coiling them. That just screams a above average level of "On the Job Training". It also led to the construction of a special, clean, short, hose. Low pressure air knocks the water out, compressor blasts just pass by it. Breath works, technology does not.

    "Soforene likes This" is about to appear. Touche'

    You have not lived until the roadies say, "We have to hang the bounce mirrors, union rules. " You then hand them a pair of safety glasses, and a radio. Then you tell them they need to wear them 100 feet up on scaff, move the mirror, and use the radio. You feel concerned for them because your exposing them to a risk they are not trained for. Your also worried they wont set the clamps right. You would rather climb and do it yourself, even though climbing ain't your day gig. You have to show them how to set the squelch on the radio.

    That is typical for some one in the industry, and I'd just like them to have a little recognition.

    I'm not saying I'm "speshul". I already know that I am. I have learning disabilities, I'm shy in person, and I'm ulgy on the outside. But I have a warm heart. Part of that heart says recognize people who have worked their way up.

    Just a simple *--- little black warning beam symbol under the name. Nothing fancy, in fact make it almost invisible.

    ILDA, and while I often disagree with "them", is good for business. It may appear* to be currently lame/stagnent as a professional organization, but it is all we have. It is worth recognizing those who bother to join.

    * I know what Pat and Friends did last summer...

    Last edited by mixedgas; 01-29-2012 at 11:11.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solarfire View Post
    Just because something has engineer on it doesn’t mean it has engineer in it. I know, I have to hold the hands of about a third of our engineers.
    Bwuahahahahahahahahaaa! I vote this 'The Best PL Quote of 2012'... Lol, so-true.. I'll never-forget the day, whilst training a Laser Tech / Op on an install - who was also an EE, and earned at least 1.5x more than I ever-made - even when I was a salaried 'Senior Art Director' at an ad agency - I had to explain to him how to use his DMM!! I mean, I realize I'm an idiot, compared to many, yet I have to 'teach' this guy how to use his DMM?? I just could not get over that...

    Permission to kipe your Quote / make a T-shirt, Sir? ..Yes, I'll 'send ya one' if I do... "Engineer" On-it, doesn't always mean Engineer IN-it.. LOVE-it!

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  4. #14
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    Was this forum created to suck the dicks of those with a variance?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsli_jon View Post
    Bwuahahahahahahahahaaa! I vote this 'The Best PL Quote of 2012'... Lol, so-true.. I'll never-forget the day, whilst training a Laser Tech / Op on an install - who was also an EE, and earned at least 1.5x more than I ever-made - even when I was a salaried 'Senior Art Director' at an ad agency - I had to explain to him how to use his DMM!! I mean, I realize I'm an idiot, compared to many, yet I have to 'teach' this guy how to use his DMM?? I just could not get over that...

    Permission to kipe your Quote / make a T-shirt, Sir? ..Yes, I'll 'send ya one' if I do... "Engineer" On-it, doesn't always mean Engineer IN-it.. LOVE-it!

    Haha, send me one copy of the T-shirt so I can wear it at my workplace too Numbers of electronics "engineers" freshly out of a so-called famous university and so proud, looking at others with disregard, but are simply not capable to do *something useful* with their hands when it comes to soldering, using a DMM, oscilloscope, building a real working circuit...

    This being said, Steve's idea seems interesting. I'm a lot on National Instruments forums and there's some sort of rewards there and there. Mostly automatic rewarding according to the number of posts which doesn't always mean something (but certainly more at NI forums than here), but also a kudos system given by other users, etc...

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    Was this forum created to suck the dicks of those with a variance?
    Of course not, but it damn-sure wasn't created to smoke the pipes of those that don't have / need Vars / don't care / ridicule those that try to better their own-industry, either... Where's the fire here, Gary?
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsli_jon View Post
    Of course not, but it damn-sure wasn't created to smoke the pipes of those that don't have / need Vars / don't care / ridicule those that try to better their own-industry, either... Where's the fire here, Gary?
    I didn't ask for a special picture to go under my name. So, your point is invalid.

  8. #18
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    Whatever, Man.. Are there some prickish Pro's out there, that have elitest-attitudes toward 'hobbyists'? Of course, and.. they're not here, even attempting to-help others... Those that are-here, are, because of the passion for the craft / interest in helping, if-but a little / in a 'grassroots' sort-of way.. If those that make the time / go out of their-way to do-such, and / or others that are doing it the 'right-way' (.."right-way", meaning: for a commercial / professional entity / biz) - / at-least, setting a good-example of responsibility, even privately - where's the 'sin', in being called-out for that?
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  9. #19
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    Raleigh, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by dsli_jon View Post
    Whatever, Man.. Are there some prickish Pro's out there, that have elitest-attitudes toward 'hobbyists'? Of course, and.. they're not here, even attempting to-help others... Those that are-here, are, because of the passion for the craft / interest in helping, if-but a little / in a 'grassroots' sort-of way.. If those that make the time / go out of their-way to do-such, and / or others that are doing it the 'right-way' (.."right-way", meaning: for a commercial / professional entity / biz) - / at-least, setting a good-example of responsibility, even privately - where's the 'sin', in being called-out for that?
    The sin is that you guys ain't all that. Frankly, I have gotten a lot more out of the DIY folks on here because they aren't afraid to share some knowledge and new ideas. If you guys really contributed as much as you think you contibute I might be singing a different tune. But, I'd just assume give guys like Buffo special recognition if there is any and it has nothing to do with putting on laser shows. It has to do with helping people here.

  10. #20
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    ..Ya know, I really need to get to work on other things, but..

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    The sin is that you guys ain't all that.
    All what? Helpful?? I'll put the sum-total of 'helpfulness from the Pros of PL' up-against the rest of the entire-industry, *any day*... I don't think you've been paying close-enough attention, here... Have you missed some of the help / info that some of the laser professionals / Co's of PL: ie: Mark (Insanity), Rob (Stanwax), dave (dave of LVP) Marc (gottaluv..) Andy (andycon / AC) Steve (mixedgas) Andrew (drlava) ..and a whole-host of others, have contributed, here, in the past year??? Lens / diodes / drivers / software / schems / circuit-diagrams / programming tips / shows / indi-animations...
    Oh yeah, and and etc, etc.. I could go on, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    ...the DIY folks.. / / / al...Where the heck do you think these 'Co's' came-from, man???

    ..and I can tell ya - ( you were 'poking' at us / me, specifically...) not a single full-system, here, just 'came in a box from the PROC'...100% hand-crafted, 'DIY'-designed systems-integration, at the furthest-out.. ...and, our-stuff is the *least* of the outstanding examples, in this forum.. ie: Do I need to post Pat B's "DIY's'? That's why most of the 'PL-Pros' are here, cause they *do* 'DIY', or at least, came from that foundation...

    So.. your point is invalid.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    ..they aren't afraid to share some knowledge and new ideas.
    See above.. I rest my case. Those that choose *not* to 'share', either don't because a) they have 'competitors', that also visit-PL, and they are under zero-obligation to-share whole ideas that may put them at a dis-advantage in the marketplace / with competitors, b) often-times, yes - a 'Pro' or Co may not share a complete-design, or, may 'share by selling' a finished-product, but - at least it's not some rip-off clone from someone else!!! Or, thrown-together with shoddy-materials / craftsmanship / black marker over the 'real-info', etc

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    If you guys really contributed as much as you think you contibute I might be singing a different tune.
    How about this suggestion: Maybe you should open your eyes a little wider, and stop being so cynical / critical of whatever-level of help, the 'pros of PL', *are*-giving to this community... I can tell ya this much - it's 100% more than all the other Pro Co's that *aren't* here, giving / helping, so...

    I gotta go to werk... You have a good-time with your dart-set...
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

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