Has anyone here tried to connect the Alphalite XC Pro DAC to a computer running either Mamba 2004 or Mamba Black?
I've got Mamba 2004 running right now, and while everything is working OK, I can't figure out the correct parallel port settings to get it to talk to my Alphalite box. (I can get the scanners to move but the laser won't turn on.)
I've already tried the obvious stuff - invert blanking, etc. with no luck.
I thought that Mamba included drivers for the Alphalite, but I see that all the ones on the CD are for USB DACs. According to the manual, the parallel port DACs have to be set up manually by using the color settings window. But once you get it set up, you can save the config file. (Which makes me wonder why they didn't bother to include one for the Alphalite in the first place...)