My name is Michael. I am Stephanie's Boss. She has forwarded it to my house. It is Friday night here.
I am astonished by your email and arrogance.
The scanner is 15K. Your inability or unwillingness to tune the Laser to your software is of no consequence to the spec of the laser or us.
Seek profressional assistance if you do not want to do it yourself.
The product we sold to you is as described in the offer. That you claim otherwise is ludicrous. Please refer to the listing
There is no refund implied or offered in the listing and Sale or Return is never implied or offered. Why would you expect anything else?
Your External purchase of software has nothing to do with us yet we have provided assistance.
Further, I have looked back at your emails. You did not mention software (Mamba Black) until 4 to 5 days AFTER your laser purchase.
If the aser we shipped to you is NOT as described we will refund your money OR repair it as required; If your laser is as described BUT neds to be tuned to YOUR software a service fee is applicable
All shipping fees are at your expense; Returns are not acceptable UNLESS in original packaging and condition; A restocking fee may be applicable for nusance claims