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Thread: DUAL DAC problem !!! (With mamba and Easylase)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default DUAL DAC problem !!! (With mamba and Easylase)

    Hi there

    I now own one pair of USB EasyLase !
    And I use Mamba Black !

    If some of you remember some years ago, I did ask what software that can handle more DAC than just ONE !
    Well I was recomended Mamba as a cheap and steady choise

    The final dream did come true, and I have 2 sets of scanners that is "ready" to be controlled at the same time with ONE Software program.
    And that program is Mamba black !

    The only problem is that mamba Black DONT play both lasers at the same time :evil:
    And when I try to adjust all the channel settings and what so ever... no results that is good :x

    The only thing that work is to play ONE laser (one DAC plugged in my PC) each time...
    When both is plugged in, mamba just choose to play ONE random laser......
    And the strange thing is when I hit the "stop" button in Mamba, the DAC dont stop play the last frame

    Well.. I dont know what to say :cry:
    Using 2 year to get all the parts, more than 6000-8000$ total with software and hardware!

    And the result is that it dont work

    I`m still waiting on a reply from Hardware\software support
    But non of them know of a solution yet, as they never heard about a problem like this ...
    Strange... :?:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006



    Both easylease dac's use the same PID and VID, for mamba it is almost
    impossible to keep them separated.
    Mamba should look for the serialnumber of the dac but as far I know it doesn't

    This was already discussed on the german laserfreak forum, they even informed
    the different manufacturers of the USB dac's

    They replied that they would solve this problem in the coming months... (thread started on 1st of April this year) It is in German...

    I know that it will work with HE-laserscan and new beta drivers for easylease, maybe mamba
    will also work with these beta drivers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Pangolin is really the only software out there that has had any thought put into it regarding multi scanner control.
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Crap still dont working..

    1st of April ? and still no solution yet ???

    Damn I did buy Mamba and Easylase for the ONLY reason that it was supposed to play 2dac at the same time (and more) :evil:

    EDIT: Where can I find the DEMO DLL to my easylase ?
    I cannot find them, and I DONT read german :roll:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    Hi liteglow .....

    Have you talked to Medialas about this
    They are certainly still advertising on the mamba web page MULTIPLE PROJECTORS

    Quote from the mamba page
    There is much much more to say about Mamba, but a very sensational feature is the fully object oriented frame editor. Edit your text at any time, move each single object within the show, you can even edit and change frames during a running laser show! Import and export of most existing standard frameformats is included.

    - Internal resolution 32 bits per channel
    - Full X, Y, RGB, Blanking/Fading
    - Import of ILD, LaserPainter, HotBoard, Avatar
    - Export of ILD, LaserPainter , HotBoard, Avatar
    - Unlimited number of tracks on timeline
    - Interactive VST2005 video tracing (coming soon)
    - SMS2Laser for standard Siemens/Nokia GSM phones
    - Running text on timeline with morphing or animation
    - Live interface with Midi control input
    - Raster TV (coming soon)
    - Scanspeed up to 130,000 pps
    - Realtime frame editor
    - Fully object oriented editing at any time
    - Unlimited number of frames
    - All True Type Fonts available
    - Sync to CD, WAV, MP3
    - Recoloring by using bitmap files
    - Splines for moving sequence
    - Unlimited number of projectors
    - ViPro Virtual projectors with individual geometric correction
    - Open hardware concept
    - Very affordable
    and also in the spec.....
    Number of projectors per computer: Unlimited
    I am also hoping to use another projector in the future .....

    also what seems strange is that some of the free shows that come with mamba are written for 2 projectors

    I would contact Peter at medialas to see if he can help .... I have found Medialas to be extremely helpful and provide excellent support ...

    anyway .... I hope you get good results and all the best ...... KARL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    have you downloaded the new manual?
    There is more in it about setting up multiple projectors.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    I did get a reply from JMLaser, he told me it did work out fine when he did test it !
    BUT there was a problem when shutting down both dac when playing frame..
    He did fix that and send me a NEW DLL update

    I did also get a reply on laserfreak forum telling me this :

    Mamba Black 1.63 is online now.
    (and also a new user manual)

    I tried it with an EasyLase DAC and the good old Guido DAC together and this worked also. So two EasyLase should work too!

    After assign your DAC's please look in the up right corner.
    There is a new small menu where you can choose between your (two) DAC's of preview output.

    Have fun!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC



    I'm confused. Does it work with 2 easylase units now, or are you still having problems?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    the old version (last year) did work with 2 DAC..
    This years version did not work with 2 DAC..

    But the NEW update do "work" with 2 dac now
    But there is some other problems now, there somethimes is NO ouput from one dac ore the other :roll:

    I really have not had so much time to figure it out.. maybe it`s old dll files..
    Maybe old mld files.. I dont know !

    But some second it do work.. and the other second it does not work
    It really confuses me, and i DONT have time to mess with this...
    I almost only got like 1 hour each day free to mess with my lasers !!
    And to deal with random problems like this was something i did not want to do ....

    Give me a LOTTO ticket and i wish for Pangolin for sure......

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    I found that sometimes it wouldn't output to my Medialas USB, for some reason it screws up MLUSBDrv.mld.
    To get it working again I just delete the driver and reinstall the driver.
    It seems to be a workround.
    Obviously if you are using a different DAC then try replacing the appropriate driver, Easylase.mld in your case.


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