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Thread: Laser Show project fizzling out ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Default Laser Show project fizzling out ?

    Hi Folks ,

    I've been way too busy most of this year and it seems that most other participants have the same problem.
    My focus and priorities have changed since I started cohabiting with my fiance so I have even less time or interest in designing lasershows. I kinda got dragged into trying to lead this project and it's not going anywhere .
    Sorry but I've got to focus on things that really count in my life and I've decided to pass on this project.
    Someone like Carey is better suited to take up the lead.
    I'll be popping by once in a blue moon to spread some news about interesting developments and If the lasershow project ever gets off the ground keep me informed.

    Good luck all
    Rick :-)
    Profile Redacted by Admin @ 04.24.2010

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    DAMN... I haven't even got all my components together... I hadn't said anything, cause I'm a noob, but I was looking forward to this... I understand completely why you're backburnering this... I just bought a house, but damn... I always seem to be a day late... dollar short... ops:

    Enjoy your cohabitation! and remember to put the tolet seat down...
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Don't dispair. The project isn't dead.

    When we first conceived the idea, many users here were busy with other problems. Now we're into the holiday rush, so once again we have a time conflict.

    But after the 1st of the year, I'll have some more time to devote to this project. In fact, I've already started playing around a bit with Mamba 2004, and once I get Mamba Black I'll be able to transpose everything over. I've also been working on beam-show frames just for the hell of it.

    (Which brings up a pet peave of mine... Why can't a frame editor allow you to type in the exact position you want the point/line/object to be? The mouse doesn't have the resolution to accurately position some things! Grrrr!)

    Anyway, once the holiday rush is over I think things will pick up. I know for sure that Fred and I have some plans for shows that we'd like to put together - we just need the time to lay them out. (Time, always time...)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    I'm still up for it too.
    Just been a bit busy with building a RGB and then the drawings of the blue, plus a couple of other projects on the go.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I hope that you can keep on!

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