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Thread: Pictures of me messing around and mixing colors...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida

    Default Pictures of me messing around and mixing colors...

    I was being kind stupid one morning and took a few pics with the fog machine going adn the lasers pointed at my motorized mirror...

    I was also playing with a small filter from a dvd rom... I was trying to align my green and blues to make cyan. The filter acted as a splitter so I took the extra beams and pointed them into a box with a hole in it so I wouldn't have too much beam pollution for the mix. I also took the mixed beam and pointed them at my scanners. They alinged well, but that's all I can do... :cry: I wanted to make white.... but my red diode died.

    Lil fog action...

    With Flash...

    and with out fog and with the blinds open...

    Just thought I'd share. Just wait till I get that DAC... Spec'll have to get another server for me to host pictures...
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Nice color blending there! Too bad image shack is so slow... I gave up after waiting over a minute for the full-size images to load. (And this is on a broadband connection!)

    Maybe Spec can set you up with a gallery account so you can upload the pics here.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    come on they're not THAT big, or your connection's not THAT broad... :lol: It's kinda funny, that is just all three beams hitting a motorized mirror, nothing else... Well I do have the green going through a microscope slide and bouncing the "small" beam to the mirror. I'm taking the rest and putting it into a box i poked a hole into so it wouldn't saturate the room.

    I asked spec for a password but didn't get a reply, I'll have to ask again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    They *are* high res pics. (2048 x 1536, or something like that...) But that's not the real problem. The problem is that Image Shack is a really slow site.

    I've got cable, and I routinely get 500 + KB/sec down (note that is with a capital B, as in Bytes, not lowercase b, which would be bits), so my connection is plenty fast. I should get those images in about 2 seconds or so. (Assuming that they're about a meg each)

    No, the problem is that Image Shack is a slug. I tried again yesterday to view the images, and after 5 minutes I had one image completely loaded and about 1/3 of another. So once again I gave up.

    The pics I did look at were pretty cool - lots of nice color blending and such. But I'll be damned if I'm going to wait 30 minutes to see them all.

    You'd be amazed at the effects you can get with some really simple gear. My avitar pic was done with diffraction gratings, for example. I've also got some cool pics in my gallery that show some of the other effects I've been able to create.

    Send Spec a PM about the gallery and he'll probably set you up.


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