Just thought this maybe handy, can we swap our files or have a download section we can all tap into?
Just thought this maybe handy, can we swap our files or have a download section we can all tap into?
Good call mazz...
Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave
As long as no Copyrighted material exists there, thats fine with me...
Technically, isn't all work copyrighted? Once a work is done, I thought it was "considered" copyrighted... maybe not in the "legal" sense but no one else should be able to use the work without the creator consent... :? I would just assume if you got a file the author gave you permission to use it, we at least here.:lol:
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
FTP Server is up and running @
Login: ilda
Password: swap
No files there yet... Guess they will come soon.
Folders is Pangolin, lds, mamba, mamba black phoenix... You may make own foldes etc...
upload and download is possible.
Cant delete folders.
Happy sharing
Make it sticky ?
I have uploaded "Smile Around the Face" complete show
Hi Allthat,
Yes, you are correct. There is a treaty that almost all (or all?) countries signed onto, which states that once a work is created, a copyright is established on that work. This came into law relatively recently (1986 or 1989?) and as surprisingly, this is not a law that the US originated. If my memory is correct, the US was one of the last countries to sign onto this.
Over the last year or so, there has been a surprisingly high amount of copyright infringement going on in this industry. We have seen rather well known laser software companies (ones that everyone would know here) distributing font files, frames and shows for which they had no authorization. As far as I know, legal action has been taken by seven different laser show companies (the originators of the font files, frames and shows), and these legal actions have always been successful. Trust me, you don't want to be on the receiving end of a law suit...
I think ILDA as an organization will need to take a stand on this. There is already the ILDA Code of Ethics, which pretty much covers this kind of activity, but I think ILDA itself will need to have a separate policy which spells out for people what is, and is not acceptable behavior.
Anyway, I am with LASER-AD on this one. File sharing and swapping is fine, as long as it is the original owner (and thus copyright holder) who is doing the sharing, or as long as there is authorization for such sharing...
Best regards,
William Benner
True about the copyright!
Some few has uploaded files and alot has downloaded them!
What software??DjDevNull
I have uploaded "Smile Around the Face" complete show
If it's one big ilda file, then it should be playable on just about any software.
What is the file extension? (I haven't checked the ftp server yet.)
Anyone got any mot or mtm files?ops: