There have been a long discussion about my 1Watt green dpss from Viasho laser !!
And now I have got myself a (corenheit?) laser meeter.
It can measure Red\Green\blue\IR laser from 0mW up to 1Watt !!
Here goes the results:
*Maxyz modules RED lasers
Payed for >200mW Measured to: 201mW
Payed for >200mW Measured to: 199mW
After the beamqube it was 388mW (more less)
*The green Laser from lasever
Payed for 100mW (from spec) and measure the laser to be 120-130mW
*The blue laser from Lasever
Did buy the laser from spec as a 100mW unit, and measured to 136mW !
Then it was sent back to LasEver China and payed 500$ more to upgrade it to 180-200mW !
It was then measured to be only 116mW of blue !!
Then my green 1000mW from Viasho laser China!
payed for: 1000mW measured to: 440mW
Conclusion :
Laser from USA 0.0% loss of power from payment
Chinese Lasers 60% less power than payed for !!
Can we trust that we get what we pay for ??
I do understnad now that some ppl here on the forum maybe was correct when They told me that it seems like a half watt of laser..... :roll:
I will write to Viasho and ask if this can be correct !!
But remember that the handheld powermeeter usually can have 5% wrond readings...