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Thread: Smoke free the laser way?!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC

    Default Smoke free the laser way?!?!

    Ok so about a month ago I heard a radio advertisement for a laser that with just one treatment you walked out of their cured.

    I was like "yeh right" So i just blew it off. A month later my mom came to me and said her friend in another city had amaizing results with it. The laser treatment worked. So I looked on our local website and it advertised a skin safe laser that worked in a way like acupuncture works.

    I called and the description was real bland. No specific information whatsoever. I decided to go in and take a look and the laser wand I saw it had a less than 5mw sticker on the laser. Acupuncture like or not can 5mw do a damned thing. I want to quit smoking so when my First child is born in May 2007 I wont have to worry about hurting my child. Can anyone attest to these claims. $300 to $500 to quit smoking overnight is incredible cheap. Not to mention how much better I will feel

    Local website (seems shoddy)

    Interesting article

    abc article

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Sounds like bullshit to me. :?

    Found this after 10 seconds of Googling:

    Yep - definitely bullshit. :evil: Sounds like they've taken quite a few people for a ride already.

    Your best bet to quit smoking is Zyban. Or, tell your Doc that you're feeling depressed and would like to try Wellbutrin instead. (Same drug, just cheaper!) Link to more info:


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    it sounds like scam all the way but with my moms friends they feel so confident that it worked. Not one urge right after the procedure. It could also be the plecebo effect at its best but whatever the case, those two dont smoke anymore

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Use patches my friend!

    I have quit dozens of times using patches
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by dream beamz
    it sounds like scam all the way but with my moms friends they feel so confident that it worked. Not one urge right after the procedure. It could also be the plecebo effect at its best but whatever the case, those two dont smoke anymore
    Yeah, the placebo effect has been proven to be quite powerful. Heck, even hypnosis has been shown to work, but only in those people that are deadly serious about quitting to start with. It may be that your Mom's friend was really ready to quit and just needed faith in something to convice her that she COULD quit. But I don't see any hard science behind the laser treatment procedure.

    It's damn hard to quit. I've been trying to get my wife to quite for a long time. (I think she's about ready to try zyban.) But Dave has a point - the patch can help. (Though all bets are off if you continue to smoke while on the patch!)

    As for quitting dozens of times - that's what all the smokers I know say. "Hell - quitting is easy. I quit every time I stub out a cigarette!" Of course, quitting for longer than a few hours is a bit harder. Quiting forever is a real bitch.


    PS: Kudo's to you, Geroge, for wanting to quit before your child is born! Smart move...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Damn... I've been trying to start smoking.... BEAMS just look so much nicer that way

    No really, I figured a hazer is much cheaper way to go and healthier too. I've seen some friends try to quit and it is very hard on them but in the long term it must be worth it especially if you're having a kid. I hope you manage!
    I'm just glad I never started (except for having to buy a hazer of course )

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    I tried the patches, it's just a bitch trying to keep them lit.

    Seriously, though, good luck. I've tried everything but hypnosis.
    Maybe a shock collar would work. :roll:

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