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Thread: Best Place to say hello ...guess is here !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Best Place to say hello ...guess is here !

    I love lasers ! .. well thats why we are all here ! ... have some green kit and occasionally get the chance to do some shows .....been a lurker over at alt.lasers for years but not enough threads there about laser shows for to keep me interested ! So late in the day I have registered here in laser show heaven ! Based in UK.
    Ok Ok i know its not just about laser shows but certainly a huge amount of threads either about kit or software relate to laser shows so in terms of everything else thats out there it seems you could happily rename the forum Laser Show heaven

    I will be around here a while , in fact you will likely want rid of me as i pester with obscure questions about things that should really never have left my head ! I have likely been reading Alt.lasers for 10 years easy , but dont contribute too often as I am not really that technical and have a tendancy just to learn what i need to know to move forward as generally too mnay other things going on at the time.

    Kit wise ... ...........
    Alphalite Software
    250mW green viasho
    30k ? (laserphoto)
    Dtpro40s on the way here
    ( bought as a result of the positive reviews here ! )
    + a few more bits in peices

    Desires ........
    RGB OF COURSE ...hopefully the Dtpros will be great
    as CTs well out of my budget ,and no need for any other
    software than alphalite,does everything I have required
    it to do so far and easy to use.

    Might splash out soon on a ilda compatible RGB , anyone
    recommend a good deal at moment ? Likely in the output
    region of 200mW to 500mW , cant see me being able
    to afford more.

    I have a desire to Build Shows , but I am not very artisitc
    and can do only the most basic of animations , it doesnt
    come naturally to me and I notice theres not too much
    talk on here about this .

    Anyways for the momet Adios , i am off to fill a couple of more
    forums with strange and wonderful questions !


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hi Paul! Welcome to Photonlexicon!

    Your story sounds quite similar to mine. I, too, used to lurk on alt.lasers and try to soak up information. But you're right, there isn't much info there about laser shows. Then I found this place about a year ago, and it's become my new home!

    If you search around the forums here, you'll find a few threads that talk about the F2000 RGB projector. It seems to be a pretty good deal for the money. It doesn't have really fast galvos (only 15K), and it only has TTL blanking, but it's full RGB in a single, compact package. I think they retail for around $1,700 or so. (Specs are 300 mw red at 650 nm, 50 mw green at 532 nm, and 50 mw blue at 473 nm.)

    As for the laser show creation topics... That's just getting started really. We had a "laser jam" type project that started in the summer, but had to be put on hold because things got too busy with the lives of the people involved. After the first of the year, that should pick back up though. Also, someone (Cruch maybe? I forget, but the thread is fairly recent) just set up an FTP server to swap ilda files and shows. I haven't checked it out yet, but a few people have posted about it.

    Anyway, welcome to the party! Hope you like it here. (As you can probably tell, we do!) 8) .


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Greetings and salutations!
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    Be well

    Quote Originally Posted by allthatwhichis
    Greetings and salutations!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Best Place to say hello ...guess is here !

    Quote Originally Posted by Lasermad
    Desires ........
    Recommendation - build your own! You can start with just a single colour, and add to it as you get the cash.

    You've already got green...
    Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    Welcome to the money pit Paul :lol:

    A good place to start would be to sell your house and car, max your credit cards and also do a couple of bank jobs.

    I go with Aijii (adrian) on this one, expand what you already have.


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