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Thread: BUYER BEWARE!..... Jason , themusicguy21 , maxvideo

  1. #11
    clandestiny's Avatar
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    I actually bought some parts from them a few years ago. It took about two months and a freind of mine in san antonio to help, but I eventually got my stuff-
    go big or go home

  2. #12
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    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Hey Adam -

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    I sent Weak Station a message via one of his E-bay auctions. Hopefully he'll check in here and see this thread...
    OK, cool - I already PM'd him with a link to the thread updates, so lemme know if he contacts you.. I have a working number for 'Steve' as I spoke to him about 2-3 weeks ago about this Argon/PSU w/ the extra (!!)... I was like, 'yeah, thanks, we're set, but I'll ask around for ya...' sooo, just KIT...

    Quote Originally Posted by clandestiny View Post
    I actually bought some parts from them a few years ago. It took about two months and a freind of mine in san antonio to help, but I eventually got my stuff-
    Hey Clan -

    Yeah I commited to a PCAOM/driver he was eBaying, but asked to give him the bux cash / pick it up while we passed thru San An en-route to Corpus, last yr, and while I was there, I picked up a bunch of other great stuff (optics/galvos/tableware/dichros/mm1s- a crap-load of stuff for peanuts...) but I am sure what saved me any issues was showing up and holding out on the cash till I knew we were good to go... Just thought it would be better to take advantage of 'passing thru' and stop for a couple hours, than go thru this type of shyte (which I have suffered before as well... nature of the beast... - but like 'David Horowitz' taught us, ya gotta "Fight Back!" - peace..

    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  3. #13
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    I got a reply from Weak Station. He said he'd check in here when he got time, but that he sorta figured the whole deal was water under the bridge at this point. Kinda sucks that he lost out though; maybe there's still a way for Steve to make good on the original deal.?.


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    I got a reply from Weak Station. He said he'd check in here when he got time, but that he sorta figured the whole deal was water under the bridge at this point. Kinda sucks that he lost out though; maybe there's still a way for Steve to make good on the original deal.?
    Hey Adam -

    RE: reply, cool, let him know (unless he replies to my PM) that I have the guys' ph# - I'll try and call him tomorrow and see if I can find out whahappen'??... I'll play it cool, and just ask him if he still HAS the stuff - maybe send current pix, etc... I had thought to simply PM 'maxvideo' about it and say, 'hey man, whassup?' but it might not BE Steve, if in fact, his 'brother' Jason has hi-jacked his ID to skank around... or, maybe it is STEVE skanking JASON? Or ????? So I think it is better for me to try and talk with the guy I met directly, and did biz with, that SHOWED me 2 of these (hopefully, one IS Weak's...) PSUs...

    But I don't think he should shrug it off, at least not yet...I mean, like we learned from the Beastie Boys, " gotta FIGHT...for your LAAASE-UP!!" (that is how the song goes, right? (...sorry, that was bad, I know...

    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  5. #15
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    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this guy ripped me off too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i had bought the omnichrome air cooled laser too and i never recieved it either. He has like 500 dollars of mine and i never recieve any product!!!!!! WOW if someone could ge intouch with this a**hole id love to know

  6. #16
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    Exclamation Dude, PM-me or Call me...let's chat ASAP...

    Quote Originally Posted by premierlaser View Post
    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this guy ripped me off too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had bought the omnichrome air cooled laser too and i never recieved it either. He has like 500 dollars of mine and i never recieve any product!!!!!! WOW if someone could ge intouch with this a**hole id love to know
    Hey Adam -

    I've got everything - recent (within 1 month) cel#, address in San Antonio, etc... WHAT NAME DID THE GUY YOU DEALT WITH USE? Steve? Jason? or David? (or any combo, thereof?)

    Reason I ask, is that due to my personal POSITIVE experience - and I know others have had some +'s too - (ie Clandestiny (Paul), Junktronix (Kevin), etc), I THINK, like I posted before, it COULD BE an inter-family scam or ???...

    When I bought from Steve (using Jason as an alias - Why??? Dunno, man... I only found out he was actually Steve when I went to the guys place in San An to pick up some stuff I bought) and had a good experience - the stuff was great and a good deal - Steve was a pretty cool cat from the 'old school' - a good guy - I actually saw AN Argon and 2 PSUs, (not sure if the pix I posted here I took in his house- are THE sys in question...) so perhaps the problem was that the REAL Jason was 2-timing his brother (???) and was the one that did this to 'weak' AND you (???!!!) on eBay (???)... oh, the plot thickens!

    PM-me, and let's get on this guy... According to Buffo, Weak contacted him and was like, 'whatever, I've kinda written it off...' , but I'd say, let's TRY, right?

    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  7. #17
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    he went by all three names with me. I heard them all. his name was steve. Then he said his son's name was jason, and his friends name was david. haha its funny how we are all familiar with all of these names lol. The things i bought off of ebay he said it was under his common law partners account (cathie), and i ended up getting all of thoes but like 2 months later. Then he had this laser head putting out like 650mw of argon beam and i was like ok sure, and he only wanted like 500 bucks for it so it was a good deal at the time. I sent him the money through paypal but he never listed the item in an auction. Then i wated and waited but i never got the laser. The last time i had contact with him was in late september. I believe it was the same laser head as in the picture. In a case with 4 inches of foam around it (as i was told). Anyway all i know for certain is that i lost my money , with this guy.


  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by premierlaser View Post
    Anyway all i know for certain is that i lost my money , with this guy.
    Hey Adam -

    Ya wanna do a 'conference call' tomorrow?

    I'll call you, then call him and you just listen to what he has to say - and then jump in as I had posted a bit back, he PM-ed me from an eBay auction I was listing, and told me about this very sys FS, and then I called him, we chatted a bit, then I was like, 'well WE don't need it', but I'll ask around and let ya know...' and since then, ya know, I don't have time to help him market his stuff... got my own 'fish to fry'...

    Now I wanna find out if this guy was trying to take me as well - or if, in fact, you spoke/communicated with Jason or David or whateverhisnameis...

    Too bad Weakstation did not get back to me (I PM-ed this info to him as well) we could open up a 4-way 'can of whoop-@$$'!!

    Lemme know...
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  9. #19
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    Exclamation Post Update!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by premierlaser View Post
    WOW if someone could ge intouch with this a**hole id love to know
    Quote Originally Posted by weakstation View Post
    I had paid $450 on July 5th for an Omnichrome 170 laser power supply and as of today not received it .
    Guys - Spoke to Steve TODAY. Have updated info. If you want your stuff, PM-me, and let's do this. I think I know what has been goin' on but will not post it here till you get resolution of some sort. PM-me up...

    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Thank's guy's !

    Really appreciate your efforts to contact me !

    I have been working on too many projects lately and have been away from PL for quite a while. Being more interested in the laser it's self rather than laser display , I have not posted much here. Solid state micro modules although very cool are rather bland and practically non serviceable v.s. good old "old school" get your hands on,plenty of room to work with type units :-)

    I have almost completed my high vacuum station, finally getting turbo pumps , and will be ready to put together my long awaited dream , a HeSe laser. Looking to get at least 12 to 24 lines out of a possible 60 from violet through red with a nice clean round TEMoo beam.

    As far as the Jason thing , I actually put it to rest and forgot about it. I was bummed out originally because I had a new 643 head sitting in my face without a PSU and really wanting to use it was desperate for a PSU.

    Seeing that one of these PSU's sold recently on eBay at the time , I contacted the buyer and offered to buy it if it did not work out for him. This person was Jason.

    I offered twice what he paid plus shipping and he responded that it was available and I sent him the money.

    And the rest of the story is in my first post.

    Since then , I have acquired 4 of these PSU's and no longer need the one I never received from Jason.

    If there is a chance to still get the PSU or a refund, this would be great and if not no problem , I am sure Jason or who ever is responsible for this funny business will pay for it in the end. I am a firm believer of what comes around goes around and hopefully he will shape up and be a man.

    dsli_jon , I left you a message on your machine and responded to your PM .

    The last auction he did with the two 643 heads went OK and the buyer did get the lasers but the buyer did not receive a different head from an auction back in the time frame when I was having a problem.

    Again , thank you !

    Now I will have to look around in here and see what's been happening since the last time I was here :-)


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