Eh... It was kinda nifty... Looked like a stay beam could sneak into the crowd though. :roll: Somebody else does the hand/beam thing though don't they? A whole act or something. :?
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
Thats cool!
This is also nice:
That last video is of "we love" lasers. It was the first known (unauthorized) derivation of "The Laserman Experience", originally performed and copyrighted by Theo Dari. Since then, Theo has been authorizing and training certain people to do The Laserman Experience, including Glenn Turner. You can see Glenn's web site here:
Originally, "we love" had some trouble because the performance as not authorized by Theo, but I think that is settled now...
Best regards,
William Benner
I thought the magician's show was better. I especially liked the part where he hung his shirt up on the beam!
There's some very creative slight of hand going on in that act when he snatches the beam in his hands and then puts it back. Pretty cool stuff.
i must find out how that works..
adam you havent seen the whole video of the we love lasers. its quite detailed.
I've seen quite a bit of it. I just think that the "up close sleight of hand" that the magician uses is more impressive. The we love lasers show did have some cool effects where they pinched off pieces of the beam and then re-attached them, but I think the magician did a better job of making the beam look solid.
The "light sabre battle" scene in the we love lasers show was pretty cool, I have to admit...
WOW, thats crazy!!
Home brew, full color RGB projector, In my garage!