Sellin my easylase USB dac
Mor info:
The showoutput board EasyLase ® USB allows the control of ILDA-compatible lasershowprojectors
by the use of different showsoftware via USB. This eliminates the need for mounting slotcards in the PC,
and also Notebooks can be used to playback lasershows.
A driver-DLL with open documented API also makes it easy to control the board using own-written software.
EasyLase ® USB features an ILDA-standard connector with symmetrical output signals, X- and Y-outputs with
12 Bit resolution each, 3 coloroutputs RGB with 8 Bit each and analog or digital intensity/blanking.
The board needs single 9V DC powersupply only.
All connectors are located at one side of the board to simplify the mounting it in a housing.
EasyLase ® USB is supported by the following software:
Mamba 2004 and Mamba Black of Medialas Laserproducts.
Laser Design Studio LDS
Phoenix from Bocatec
This is now OEM, this is with casing
Trade is also ok
Price 350usd + shipping (60usd worldwide)