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Thread: Upgrading the 473nm blue DPSS, Hello Fred!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Upgrading the 473nm blue DPSS, Hello Fred!

    Dear Fred,

    The price of a power supply is $60. I saw on this forum that CNI lasers needs high cost to add the analog modulation. You might let known Lasever lasers offer analog modulation for free. haha, thank you!

    The upgrade to 120mw costs $350. We offer free shipping. I will have the laser shipped soon.

    Please pay to If your money is from credit card, please pay to

    David Wu
    Lasever Inc.

    PS: I sent you emails but they were returned. Taiwan earth quake broke the internet fibers. The persons are too slow to recover the connection! :x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    The cost of analogue modulation on CNI lasers is exactly the same as yours lasever, no extra cost over TTL..
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    I had to pay an extra $60 for analogue on my CNI 473nm 50mW, direct from CNI.
    I must admit I am really disappointed with it at present. It may be my optics though.
    It also didn't have an IR filter on it but they sent me one free off charge which arrived this morning.
    I will take some power readings with it later.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Smart to use the forum LasEver

    Why dont stay in here and give us prices on other BLUE dpss lasers... from 300mW-500mW

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Dear Sirs,

    60mW 473nm DPSS for US$600
    100mW for US$850
    150mW for US$1150
    200mW for US$1400
    the prices are for quantity below 5, shipping excluded.

    David Wu
    Lasever Inc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Default Strange pricing...


    You have a 100 mw DPSS blue laser on E-bay right now for $690 (no bids with less than a day to go on a 7 day auction). You quote the shipping price for this laser in the listing as $60 to the US and Germany. So that makes it $750 *including shipping*, which is much cheaper than your posted price above of $850 for the same laser WITHOUT shipping.

    Why would you give the unknowns on E-bay a better deal than us?

    Don't get me wrong; I like Lasever lasers. (I own two DPSS green Lasever units.) I just don't understand why you'd offer a special "forum price" to dedicated hobbyists here that is a *worse* deal than you offer to just anyone in the general public on E-bay...


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S.E. Florida

    Default Re: Strange pricing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo

    You have a 100 mw DPSS blue laser on E-bay right now for $690 (no bids with less than a day to go on a 7 day auction). You quote the shipping price for this laser in the listing as $60 to the US and Germany. So that makes it $750 *including shipping*, which is much cheaper than your posted price above of $850 for the same laser WITHOUT shipping.

    Why would you give the unknowns on E-bay a better deal than us?

    Don't get me wrong; I like Lasever lasers. (I own two DPSS green Lasever units.) I just don't understand why you'd offer a special "forum price" to dedicated hobbyists here that is a *worse* deal than you offer to just anyone in the general public on E-bay...

    Remember that was just a starting price. I am sure he expected to get much for it than that. I am sure now that everyone knows its there it will close for more.
    just my 2 cents
    "Gravity its not just a good idea its the law"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Strange pricing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo

    You have a 100 mw DPSS blue laser on E-bay right now for $690 (no bids with less than a day to go on a 7 day auction). You quote the shipping price for this laser in the listing as $60 to the US and Germany. So that makes it $750 *including shipping*, which is much cheaper than your posted price above of $850 for the same laser WITHOUT shipping.

    Why would you give the unknowns on E-bay a better deal than us?

    Don't get me wrong; I like Lasever lasers. (I own two DPSS green Lasever units.) I just don't understand why you'd offer a special "forum price" to dedicated hobbyists here that is a *worse* deal than you offer to just anyone in the general public on E-bay...

    It is not a sale methods, but for advertisement thru Ebay. We will not list one product repeatedly any more in one month.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    It would be real nice to see a set of 3 lasers MATCHED for a balanced white in various power level categories made available for those that want to assemble projectors !

    Say :

    RGB set A = Balanced 100mw white = $???.??
    RGB set B = Balanced 200mw white = $???.??
    RGB set C = Balanced 500mw white = $????.??

    And made available at a decent price with all modules identical and easy to incorporate into a nice compact whitelight unit.

    This is what I am waiting for .

    Very nice compact modules you have but your red in this module style is too short in wavelength for a good color mix.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Default Re: Strange pricing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lasever
    It is not a sale methods, but for advertisement thru Ebay. We will not list one product repeatedly any more in one month.
    OK, but you set the price at $690, which means you were willing to allow it to be sold for that price, even though the value of the "e-bay advertising" you might gain is questionable. (And, interestingly enough, with just 9 hours to go, there still aren't any bids...)

    If you sell your lasers here, you can be certain that the buyers will talk about the laser. A lot! Assuming that it is a good quality unit (as my two lasever units have proven to be over the years), then that "user talk" is a significant advertising boost for your products. (Much better than anything you'd gain from E-bay.) Consider, too, that the positive feedback about your laser would be targeted at the very people you're trying to reach in the first place.

    As an example: I've posted several messages about my first Lasever DPSS green laser, both here and on other laser forums. I bought that laser back in 2002! At the time, I paid just over $400 for a 100 mw unit, and though that seems pricey by todays standards it was a deal at the time. Still, the fact that it has been a reliable laser that also has the BEST beam characteristics of ANY laser I own (including multiple HeNe and Argon lasers) has prompted me to brag about this laser several times. (How many DPSS green lasers have you seen that can make 100 mw of green with NO leaking IR in the output while only running 650 milliamps to the pump diode? That's pretty darn good efficiency in my book!) I've even posted pictures showing the excellent beam quality of my lasever unit here on PhotonLexicon.

    I guess it just sounded strange to me that you would come to a forum where people are really interested in your products - and are more than willing to give you honest, useful, and constructive feedback about them - and then offer a price that is higher than you posted on E-bay.

    Yes, I know that some people sell items at a loss on E-bay in order to get their name out there. But the value of this practice is highly questionable. Whereas here in this forum, people are very likely to develop a "brand loyalty" and certainly will discuss the merits of the lasers they own far into the future. To me, the forum users are the better choice if you are looking to promote your brand. But that's just my opinion...


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