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Thread: new to the forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    ny united states

    Default new to the forum

    Hello everyone I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I been spending alot of time on lasercommunity and I just found out about this place. IM going to post some pics and vids soon to show you guys what im all about.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    Welcome to the forum Mr Boticron.
    We are a pretty friendly bunch here and look forward to finding out what you are about.
    How long have you been into the money pit?
    What gear have you got?
    Are you an hobbyist or pro?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    ny united states


    Hi nice to meet you.
    well right now I have only one laser, it's a cni 75mW green. I'm pretty happy with despite the fact that it has bad divergance and some noticeable scatter. i also have two leadlights that are now in the spare parts bin. they served me well but alas gave their lives for the cause of higher learning.
    At present I'm all about tunnel effects and night shots. I have several projects in the works. My first foray into making my own scanner was very quick and dirty, it can be seen here.

    I've since found the time to cut a proper mirror for it and I plan on making a proper enclosure to house it and make it portable.
    here on some videos i've made with it and the 75mW

    this next vid is my best so far in my humble opinion. I reflected the tunnel off a large mirror.

    so as you can see I'm am just a hobbist and I have only begun to play. I hope soon to have the scratch to purchase a High power red module.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Welcome, Boticron!

    Looking at your signature picture, it looks like you're doing quite well for a home-built projector! Glad to see you've found us. Jimbo is right, we've got a great group here. Hope you like it.

    I see you're in New York... We've got a few members up there in your area. How long have you been playing with lasers?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Welcome Mr_Boticron!!!
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    ny united states


    I been playing with red pointers for a long time. I actually pot modded one years and years ago. One of the first I ever owned cost me about 30 beans. I had it for a month or so and took it apart, found the pot and knew I could do some tinkering. I was hooked on the idea ever since. But until recently hadn't looked into how far lasers had come.
    then i found Wicked lasers through a friend and I just had to have one, but first I bought some leadlights from the lasercommunity forum. Took them apart post haste, to see how they work. Soon after I ordered my 75mW from WL. I'm sure most of you know how the story goes from here. I quickly became addicted to lasers , laser components, and finding new ways to make the lasers visibly interesting. Joined the forums and that was that.
    Now here I am. I have a decent technical back ground, I've been a PC technician for the last 8 years. I have been ripping apart electronics all my life. So I have half a clue how to get things done. As for the rest I do a decent job at faking it lol. Anyway thats pretty much sums up my laser history. In the near future I plan to pick up a high power red diode to add to my collection.
    After that? Maybe a nice green labby 300mW, but who knows.. these things are a money pit :evil:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Norway, Fauske


    Welcome Mr_Boticron!

    Money is allways an issue! hehe

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Hi and welcome Boticron,
    I've seen you on the WL forums. I too migrated here from there because they seemed to focus mainly on pointers and battery-op. These folks are great! Lots of technical know-how and all kinds of lasers and projector set-ups and info. I was searching for beam combining for different colors and found it HERE
    Glad you joined us. It's a great forum!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    ny united states


    hey steve, i noticed a bunch of the LC heads over here. Glad to see familiar faces. I was getting tiered of the crap over there. The last straw was the release of a certain product running in tem01 mode with out specked output. After all the other recent stuff going on I figured it was time to move on. But I still plan on posting there as the guys are good people and the community is real solid.
    As for this place it would seem I am going to learn alot, looking forward to it too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Yeah they're good people, I'll continue to visit too. I cant complain about their products I've got a Wicked 532nm and it's awesome. The only thing I think is that there was a pre-release problem on the certain product that resulted in excessive lead-times, but I guess they got that worked out and everybody's happy now? (I haven't heard about the TEM issue) dunno..

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