(Copied from my post on alt.lasers, just seeing what kind of feedback I get from showing this)...
Subject: An exercise in futility. More eBay crap.
From: Lostgallifreyan <no-one@nowhere.net>
Newsgroups: alt.lasers
That's a dead listing on ebay. I killed it, I'm no longer trying to sell,
so please don't consider this as spam. It isn't.
Here's an ended listing: http://tinyurl.com/ymj99o
It shows what is being discussed in the questions on my dead listing, and
is why selling complete DPSS lasers on eBay is now a disgusting exercise in
Two years ago it was like new snow, everyone wanted a piece of the action.
Now it's rutted, pitted, pissed and shat in, and it's being trodden into
what's left of the clean stuff. If you look at the high-power new lasers,
few if any are getting any interest, and there's no effort anymore to try
to declare an honest set of specifications, and when anyone does try, it's
no use.
If I ripped out the IR filter and sold it as a 1500 mW beam laser I'd get a
flock of imbeciles craving to pay £500 or more, but as for selling it
honestly, which is the ONLY way I'd do it, it's utterly pointless.
Isn't it illegal to specify a safety label as vaguely as that in the second
listing I linked to? It looks to me as if someone had a load of those
printed out solely to defraud people.