I have to admit, I really only have one goal in mind for my projector. I've mentioned it before but I don't think I have been explaining it well. I've gotten a few open loop set ups to get close, but never gotten that perfect representation so that's why I went to closed loop but it seems my idea will be even harder to obtain with closed loop galvos, but cannot get the detail or perfection from open looped ones...
I want a laser osilliscope, it is my true laser obsession... I want my projector to do show a true repsentation of a sound's waveform.
Here is a screen shot from mediaplayer with the "scope" visualisation and it is exactly what I am looking for, well, it's only in green, I'd also like to have the color change with sound pitch if possible. But that opens up other cans of shitte...
If there any software that will do this? Help, please... :?