Come on man. You know spec does all he can. We have several threads on this.
:idea: Or is this a request TO the spammers to stop? If so then I'll add. Please Spammers, stop spamming here. If any of us need porn, we'ver probably got a source already, most of us ARE geeks. If we need pills or medicine we have enough web sites that many of you have already added. I'm sure spec keeps a nice stack for us in circular file #13. :roll: And if your selling lasers or laser equipment, well, spec has set up a nice Buy/Sell/Trade forum for that.I think most of us need power meters and goggles... and that's about it. IF we need anything else we'll post a thread and ask, THEN you can spam the needed items there. :P
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
An good idea is to change forum!
Guys - be patient. Spec is working on a solution. Can't say more about it just yet, but it *will* get better soon.
Hint: Invision Power Board v2.1.6
Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur: Cogita ante salis.
Where there is smoke, there is fire. Think before you leap !
Incorrect: That man is wise who talks little (know when to hold your tongue). Think before you leap.
Flamma fumo est proxima is "Where there is smoke, there is fire"
Hey Cruch;![]()
Honestly, I'm *certain* that Spec hates the spammers even more than you do.But give the guy some credit; he kills 15 to 20 accounts every day. (Sometimes a lot more.) He can't be logged in to the board 24/7. (Guy's gotta sleep sometime, right?) :roll: Eh, maybe not - Spec is something of a night owl to begin with! :lol:
Seriously though - please remember that there are important issues that *must* be addressed before the forum software can be upgraded. You don't just "do it". (Well, not if you're smart anyway.) 8) There's a lot of research that needs to be done first. Then there's a crapload of testing that has to be done. And sometimes, after you've invested MONTHS of time working on a possible solution, you come across a bug (oops - I mean an undocumented feature :twisted: ) that is a showstopper. Then you have to start the process all over again with a new product. :cry: In fact, there is an issue with the software that the board runs on right now. This is why Spec has two user ID's, and why there are no moderators. :? (Mod's can't kill a new user based ona single post without changing some other rules that Spec would rather leave alone.)
I can tell you that Spec has been looking into other software solutions for PhotonLexicon since the Spring of 2006.(And quite possibly earlier than that even; that was just the first time that he spoke to me about the problems on the phone.) So yeah, there is a *LOT* of work being done behind the scenes to make this place run better.
But there's no sense in announcing anything until it's actually working. (Don't want to get people's hopes up and then have to delay the roll out because of a software glitch.) Like I said, you just need to be patient.
Dude, I know it's hard to wait. And I know it *sucks* when you log on and see a bunch of spam. (The spammer that posted the x-rated porn :evil: the other day get's my award for the biggest asshat of the week contest.) But give some credit to Spec and what he's been doing to make this place better. Really, you just wouldn't believe the time (and money) he spends on PhotonLexicon.I know that there's no way in hell I'd trade places with him... I don't have enough time to even consider taking on something like this. (Probably a lot of members here feel the same way.)
Anyway, without giving away too much, let me just say that Spec is not avoiding the spam problem. He is working on a solution. *Realy* working on it. But it's going to take some time to get it done right.![]()
Is there a reason why the spammers are now posting a day after they register rather than straight away?