I finally picked up my Blue laser today at Fedex. Tks David Wu @ Lasever.
I unpacked unit and was surprised that they sent me a pair of finned heatsinks with the laser.
You get 2 heatsinks, one power pack, a laser power supply and the laser head.
I quickly read the instructions and mounted both the laser head and the power supply to the heatsinks provided.
I have a digital laser power meter and also a digital temperature meter with multiple probes.
I attached one probe to the heatsink for the power supply and one to the top of the laser head.
I setup my laser power meter with sensor at slight angle to reduce any reflection back into the laser cavity.
I fired up the laser and started taking readings and making observations.
The power supply has a built in delay of 6 seconds before it starts and appears to ramp up power gradually.
I observed TEM 01 Initially which stabilised to TEM 00 after about 10 seconds and the laser output had shot up to 138 milliwatts (head and power supply temp started at 16 degrees Celsius). After about 20 minutes the laser head was at 20 C and power supply at 24 C. The laser power reading was 110 milliwatts.
I decided to add 2 cooling fans ( 4 inch muffins salvaged from PC power supplies) to cool down both the power supply and the laser head. After 20 minutes warmup it stabilsed at 120 milliwatts and both the laser head and pwr supply measured 20 C. You really need active cooling on this unit if you want more power and longer lifetime so i think they should recomend cooling fans.
A weak point seemed to be the power pack to Laser power supply connection. the cheap connectors and poor mating between plug and jack seemed flimsy and certainly a point of failure . Definitely not a solid connection prone to oxidation and stress induced from current flow and mechanical failure over time.
I've yet to test this using a TEC cooler to see If I can maintain 16 degrees C and raise the power to 140 milliwatts but that's next.
I also haven't tested the analog modulation but that won't come until i integrate it into my projector to complete RGB full color at around 750 millliwatts white light total output.
Beam shape is slightly rectangular as opposed to circular but i haven't tried adjusting the optics yet to optimise the spot size.
I'm happy with it so far.