I recently had an experience and decided I need to share it with the community here. I've made two buy it now purchases off eBay from Aixiz lasers. One was a 10 to 40mW red laser diode. One week after my purchase and payment for expidited 2 day shipping I sent and email. Was misplaced the email said, I;d share but this was a while ago, 6 months atleast. I think I got it about a week later after another email. Cool, was exactly as described... It died a couple of months ago and I got a Maxymod. I didn't even try to email Aixiz, was not really worth it.
Now before I got my projector going my 100mW green died. It was too much power anyways and I have broken open the power supply so I went looking for a small ttl green. I'm sure someone remembers, I asked all kinds of people. I found Aixiz's 30mW ttl on eBay for $125. A lil more than I wanted to pay but I had the Maxy, the "50mW" Extreme and scanners... I NEEDED a green. I bought it, paid for that quick shipping and sent a lil email following my paypal payment saying that I was a member at a laser show forum and that the laser would be shown there in some way, shape, or form. Got here quick...But it blanked poorly... Here is page three of my first projector thread that shows examples. After 5 emails, 2 that didn't get returned and 2 that asked my address, and one that said I was going to a laser show get together and the poor blanking green would be seen by several of "us", I got an email, on a friday, saying to look for the replacment on tuesday with a free gift. The 10mW pointer wasn't really worth bringing to FLEM. It's more a 4mW with a 5mW burst every 20th try that'll bring it to 9+mW... :roll:
So, the green replacment arrives and all is good... FLEM comes and I made sure to request someone bring a meter. Thank you buffo and spec! I took two measurements. The first time the green measured 76 just beyond the first optic that mixes the red and green and then a measly 25 after the scanners... :? To compare, my 50mW blue from Extreme Lasers measured 86 at it's mouth and 79 after the scanners.![]()
That was with buffo's lasercheck. Later, with spec's laser check we measured the green, I think it was 70 something, I forget, right after the optic and 36 I think after the scanners about 3 feet past them. I think the blue was 79 after the optic and 74 about 10 feet away from the scanners. Damn that made my night about the blue... 8) sorry DZurcher...
Now, I know laserchecks aren't perfect. :roll: So I just tried something here at home. A lot of you have seen where I bought, on a stupid impulse, a laser meter that will only goto 20mW.ops: But it also has a percentage setting that I have been playing with to get an arbitrary ratio between all three of my lasers. By no means perfect, but fair... I set it with the maxymod to 199, that's it top end and then measure the others. This time I took out my new set of wicked laser 488 to 532 blocking goggles. Mesure the green, this time directly after it's opening aperture, it pegged the meter. :? I re-checked the red... 197, 192, 199... Green pegs it... I put the goggles in from of the meter and it says 60, 69, 65, 70... :? Shouldn't it say 0, or at most a few mW? I tried the blue... just out it's buisness end... 110, 105, 108... behind the goggles... 0.00, nothing, nada, just how you want it.
Now I know this looks like a product review, but it's not. You see when I got the replacement I sent an email thanking them for the replacment, it blanks better, not 100% but better. Thanked for the pointer... :roll: and asked, does the green module have an IR filter. The reply I got said yes it has and IR filter... and nothing else... I just sent a reply... :idea: Here, I'll share... It's really just the above post is slightly different terms... I'll edit the redundant parts...
Greetings again,
I have to say I am a little concerned. Do you not know what you are selling or did you flat out lie? This does NOT have an IR filter on it. We did a check with a coherent lasercheck at our laser show gathering and I just did a check with a set of 532nm blocking goggles just now to be sure. We also checked my 50mW blue dpss from Extreme Lasers. I'll get to that in a moment...
same shitte as above...
When I do the blue, 110 before the goggle, right out of the barrel... after the goggle... not a DAMN thing... 0.00. It seems to have an IR filter. You know what... Everyone bitches about Extreme Lasers but this 50mW blue I won for $504 measured a consistent 70+mW on several occasions during our get together on Saturday. Too bad everyone saw the results of your "IR" filter too.
So, please, my question above is a real concern of mine... and others. This lack of knowledge of care of customers is really getting to a growing number of laser hobbyist. Then there is also the growing number of ignorant kids and childish adults who have NO idea about the dangers involved with lasers.
Have a great day,
We'll see how the reply goes. I don't want anything but to know if he hasn't got a clue or he's an ass and doesn't give a shitte and then to share that with anyone here who may need a laser. Whoever that may be... :roll:![]()