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Thread: Insane Laser show video with 13 heads... i think

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC

    Default Insane Laser show video with 13 heads... i think

    Someone posted this on a local music forum. enjoy

    For the record, this laser show is NOT safe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Laser Image are Europe's leading show company.

    I daresay this show would have been 100% safe
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Caracas, Venezuela


    Nice show. I don't want to know how much they spent on it though :P .

    That show was safe, I wasn't blinded by the lasers. Granted, I was sitting about 3ft from my monitor :lol: . On the other hand, some people may get laser induced seizures
    Remember the future?, That'd today, as you imagined it yesterday.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    That show was done by Hugo Bunk the master of all laserists ....

    He used ..... each projector internaly has a Qm2000 card with a pangolin network adaptor then he has
    each projector connected together via an ethernet cable to his computer running the pangolin software

    someone told me that as a pangolin dealer he has more QM2000 cards in stock than Pangolin USA has in stock ....
    aparantly he has over 64 PANGO cards available ..... but i supose when you are doing big shows like that you need to hold backup stock

    all the best ... Karl

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Banthai

    someone told me that as a pangolin dealer he has more QM2000 cards in stock than Pangolin USA has in stock ....
    aparantly he has over 64 PANGO cards available ..... but i supose when you are doing big shows like that you need to hold backup stock

    all the best ... Karl
    Just have a look at his kit list,
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    hehe at it again dream beams

    If Hugo cannot master the art of audience scanning then nobody can...
    Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Unhappy Laser laws in the US vs elsewhere...

    Mastering the art of audience scanning in a country where there are no regulations preventing excessive exposure to laser light isn't all that difficult, now is it aijii?

    I've noticed that you've been rather prickly about this issue, in several different threads. I've tried to stay out of it, but it's really getting out of hand.

    Dreambeamz has a point. Granted, he lives in the United States, which means he must deal with a lot of regulations that the rest of the world doesn't. But from the perspective of a US lasershow, he *is* correct. You'd never get away with those effects here. Period.

    Bill Brenner posted a message several months ago where he announced that Pangolin had *finally* gotten a blanket variance to do audience scanning using any show effect they wanted. He also explained that this was the first (and so far, the ONLY) variance issued in the US for general audience scanning. The process took 2 years, and the documentation required for the variance fills a large 3-ring binder. They use some pretty fancy optics to expand the beam, and they went through a mountain of calculations to PROVE the exposure levels were low enough that the audience would be safe.

    OK, that sounds like overkill, and maybe it is. But that is the law here, and obviously Pangolin decided it was worth the effort to get the variance. More to the point, if you want to scan the audience in this country, that is the ONLY way to do it legally.

    Now, contrast the effort that Pangolin went through with one of your claims from an earlier thread... You said that you can look at your shows with your own eyes and tell if it's too bright before the guests arrive. Now, parhaps that was an off-the-cuff remark made to assure George that you always test your shows beforehand, but it sure sounds shaky... My guess is that you actually use a power meter. But the way you said it, it sounded like you felt that you've been doing this for so long that you don't need to do the calculations anymore to ensure you're under the MPE. That also sounds shaky...

    Likewise, in another thread you admitted that at one show you had two 150 mw green lasers, plus a 1 watt RGB laser, plus another 350 mw green laser, all capable of firing into the crowd. You didn't mention anything about beam expanding optics, higher scan rates, or any other mitigating circumstances that might prevent over-exposure, nor did you offer any actual power measurements taken in the crowd to back up your claim. In fact, you even said that the 350 mw laser was aimed at a mirrored ball, which means that at any given instant, a single beam could be sent into the audience at that full power (350 mw)! I certainly don't think that would be eye-safe, even if the mirrored ball was dusty. (Would you be willing to take a shot from a 350 mw laser into the eye, even for less than a tenth of a second?)

    *I'm* not saying that your shows are unsafe. I haven't seen them in person, I haven't measured the power of your lasers, I don't know what calculations you've done on your shows, and I'm not really qualified to make the determination in any case. But I do know that the things you've said here on the board and the pictures you've posted both indicate that your shows would be *illegal* here in this country. And I also admit that I'd feel uncomfortable doing some of the things you talk about even in the privacy of my own home. Add to that your wholly defensive attitude towards the topic in general, and I finally felt compelled to reply.

    I'm not saying that everyone has to follow the restrictive laws that we have here in the US. If what you are doing is legal in your country, that's fine for you. But I'm glad that George made the point that you *can't* do it here.

    There are already far too many "pointer jockeys" here that think it's OK to buy a 1 watt laser on E-bay and start doing laser shows at their local nightclub. When people are irresponsible, the government ultimately steps in, and that hurts everyone. That's one of the reasons why we have so many restrictions on lasers in the first place, and if we're not careful it will get even worse. (Witness the recent media hysteria surrounding green laser pointers and aircraft, for example.)

    George has found out the hard way that laser damage to the retina is instantanous and permanent, so perhaps he is a bit more sensitive to that sort of thing than other people are. Nonetheless, his point is still valid, and I'm glad that he is willing to stand up for what is right. I don't understand why you've been so defensive about it, either. George isn't the laser police, after all, and you're in Australia anyway, so it wouldn't matter even if he was.

    Last edited by buffo; 02-08-2007 at 05:38.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    But then there are pics and vid on dreambeams' site of laser clearly entering the crowd( off mirror balls and directly). In fact i just looked, why has he pulled down the intro pic of himself clearly crowd scanning with a multi watt argon laser?

    And for the record Buffo, Bill's last name is spelled Benner
    Last edited by dave; 02-08-2007 at 15:19.
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    Ok, I am about tired of this

    First off, for the record its "Dream Beamz" notice the "z". There is also a space in between.

    I have explained it before, The crowd scanning pictures were done in truly safe and legal ways. These were done in a controlled private environment just to get the pictures. The friends I brought in that day were given instructions and since they are mature they listened to and followed my instructions. I will place that picture back on my website, just for you. So I can reference it for this thread. The picture simply came off when I upgraded the website. It was the intro page and it was taken off long before you came out with your "shooting a 1 watt laser into the crowd with static beams is safe" approach.

    I know how to be a laser artist and those were my ideas. Glad you like them enough that you have taken several looks at them.

    Now, I dont care what is legal and what is not in Europe, Australia and other countries with more relaxed laws. The point is, I have been to at least 2 parties in which Laser Image has done laser shows. And since Gelredome holds 25,000 people its safe to say that I heard people from the Netherlands that complained of headaches and spotted eye sight after one of these shows. Do I think most of this damage was permanent, NO! But the thought that some people complained is enough to say the show was relatively unsafe.

    I myself took a millisecond of 8 watts to the eye during a setup. I can not read with my left eye very well. Things are moderately blurry but the eyesight continues to improve after 2 years so I am hopeful

    It was also you that said that scanning 40 watt lasers into an audience is crazy. I do believe I have seen this done by them, if it wasnt them, they do at least boast that they have these lasers

    **Edit: My hosting server is currently down, but rest assure, the picture you speak of will be back on my site. Permanently, I did not pull it off due to it crowd scanning

    Quote Originally Posted by dave View Post
    But then there are pics and vid on dreambeams' site of laser clearly entering the crowd( off mirror balls and directly). In fact i just looked, why has he pulled down the intro pic of himself clearly crowd scanning with a multi watt argon laser?

    And for the record Buffo, Bull's last name is spelled Benner
    Last edited by dream beamz; 02-08-2007 at 15:03.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by dave View Post
    But then there are pics and vid on dreambeams' site of laser clearly entering the crowd( off mirror balls and directly).
    Those pictures were staged. The cameraman was positioned, the crowd was positioned (looking away from the laser), and George was controlling the lasers. When everything was set, he told everyone to put their hands in the air and look happy. Then he opened the shutter on the projector, the cameraman took the picture, and George closed the shutter. The whole thing lasted maybe 20 seconds for each shot. If you look closely you can see that everyone is facing away from the projector.

    George has posted about the making of those pictures here on Photon Lexicon before. (I asked him about it as well, when we first met.)

    In fact i just looked, why has he pulled down the intro pic of himself clearly crowd scanning with a multi watt argon laser?
    Hmmmm... Good point. I don't know.
    EDIT: Just noticed that George replied above - his hosting provider is down.

    And for the record Buffo, Bill's last name is spelled Benner
    You're absolutely correct! Crap - I've been pronouncing it incorrectly for years now, and missspelling in in all my posts. (Sorry about that, Bill!) Thank you for correcting me. (Strange that no one else noticed that error in all this time!)

    Last edited by buffo; 02-08-2007 at 15:57. Reason: Saw Dream Beamz' post above...

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