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Thread: USF IEEE Club needs help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tampa Florida

    Default USF IEEE Club needs help

    Hi All,
    Who is in the Tampa area and wants to show off their laser show to a bunch of aspiring Electrical Engineers? The USF Chapter of IEEE has been supported by Bob Ash at NML for many years. He would lend tham a laser show-complete every year for the expo show. This year is 2/15 and 2/16 at the USF Tampa campus. If anyone is willing to program an appropriate show and bring the equipment please let me know; I work at the USF Physics Department and the guys in E.E. called us to see if we could lend them "a laser". I said sure but quickly discovered they meant a whole laser show projector. The audience will be mostly schoolkids. It is a good cause.

    Bob at NML had had some problems and the company seems to be operating under a new name. Let's all wish Bob the best; he is a nice guy who has always been there with suppory for us. Phil Bergeron (813) 874-2378
    Phil Bergeron( AKA 142laser)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida

    Red face

    If my projector was even close to having a varience I'd jump at the opportunity, but mine ain't really, ah safe... or truly portable. Sorry. I promise to have it atleast "safe" by next years though.
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Post requirements for variance...


    Yeah, this would be one of those grey areas... Since you're not getting paid for the gig, one would assume that the CDRH doesn't have jurisdiction and you'd be OK without a variance.

    However, it's also a show that is open to the public and the event (an expo show) is something that might normally involve commerce. (At the very least, admission to the show floor, not to mention vendors plying their wares to the guests in attendance.) So while there might not be any direct commerce related to the laser show itself, the fact that the laser show is present might contribute to the overall commerce of the event.

    I'd *love* to hear what the Florida CDRH rep has to say about the idea.

    Either way though, if I were doing the show, I'd want a fully varianced projector. As I don't have one yet, that rules me out! (Besides, my lame monochrome projector wouldn't really do a gathering like this justice.) And in any event, I'm working those two days so there's no way I could attend in the first place.


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