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Thread: Well, Looks like I got booted on LPF.

  1. #1
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Default Well, Looks like I got booted on LPF.

    Well, Looks like I got booted on LPF for no reason with no email. I wonder if they confused me with Sam, given his recent anti-pointer comments...
    After all I'm (er was) LSRFAQ on LPF. Or did some one make Eletrofreak a mod? :-)

    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post
    Well, Looks like I got booted on LPF for no reason with no email. I wonder if they confused me with Sam, given his recent anti-pointer comments...
    After all I'm (er was) LSRFAQ on LPF. Or did some one make Eletrofreak a mod? :-)

    They'd ban Sam?! That's like shooting Father Christmas. Banning you? Not sure what that's like exactly, but that's just stupid. They must like sawing the branch they sit on. No wonder we're seeing a bit of an influx from LPF here. By the way, where are Sam's comments? I missed some fun reading and if it's going to get axed I want to read it before it's gone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Churchill(hour S from Houston)


    mistake maybe?? not right whatever the deal was- I got a 3 day hammer for posting a masked link to a thread here-- DTR got banned here for living near EF-- it was fixed asap but imagine if he had walked from PL?? IF PL ever did a "rookie of he year" it would have went to Jordan--

    btw afaik nobody gets a 'notice of banishment' I will inquire- did you use one of the 'forbidden words'?? Filters catch stuff like the word SEX at LPF it shows as***--
    BUT afaik any banning needs to be done by a mod or admin like mine was--and not by a bot.

    it may have been an error-looks like you are not banned ATM-- our post count and rep show & when most are banned they do not- I Did see that you may have used a banned word in Bloomies Cu thread- as I see ***- I read (& enjoyed) all your recent posts and sent a PM to some mods-before I went and looked. I got banned once for three hours== IIRC a bot did do that- but Im not sure..
    Last edited by hakzaw1; 12-04-2013 at 13:37.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Charleston, SC


    Any forum that feels the need to auto-ban people without human intervention is destined to devolve into pure shit. And if they ACTIVELY banned Sam and Steve, then they're headed for the toilet at warp speed.

    There are some good people there, and some great ideas, but far to much fucking drama for me to waste my time sifting through the cesspool looking for the good stuff among all the turds.


  5. #5
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    Sep 2008


    You are NOT banned there
    I just checked your profile
    It must have been a glitch or a mistake

    After reading this, I will check Sam's profile as well


    P.S. There is no "auto-ban" and I will personally beat anyone who would ban Sam >
    Last edited by daguin; 12-05-2013 at 10:59.

  6. #6
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Tried logging in over a period of three days. Wont take my current password either.

    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)


    Whoa-- THAT Sam!!!???

    I only thought you *MIGHT* have meant *Dr* Sam for~ .25seconds- the same time it takes me to close my eyes when face-lasered. This should have been a clue that a glitch or something else must have happened--

    I NEVER said i knew for sure that i got bot-banned for a few hours- the reply from admin on my 'HOWCOME this time ?'-

    The PM i got from admin was not very clear but from it I did know that filters catch 'things' ,,,, words that have cause some kind of problem before and best left off the forum (Like C@sio)and a daily or instant email report goes to admin and AFAIK all Mods at the other other laser forum that is not longer around. I was a Mod there and I got a email report daily.. mostly -' No duplicate IPs have been found today.'

    Either PL has something similar and/or DTR got banned by a person for living near another banned PL member.

    I had barely returned from a few day temp LPF ban-(reason-'recruting members) I was mistaken thinking that what we sent in PMs even (actually especially in some cases) if part was masked= like the @ in Ca@io- -

    -So my bad for not seeing/knowing that there are more than just one reason to keep some words of the forum no matter where they are used. and i get that--

    I write this to end any drama I may have contributed to..== not to start more.

    As far as how i feel about both forums?? it would be VERY sad if either were to go away-IMHO

    I Never kept track but in my crude attempts to help AixiZ customers with minor support questions I am constantly dealing with people that are not members at any forum- unless you count KLipKlay as a forum- I have been doing this for AixiZ since they sent those super doorprizes with me to take to SELEM (2011)- easily a total retail value of >$1000 .(X four LEMs)

    I wanted to do something for Chuck -- so I did a few support issues--
    --& he thanked me- I said ' send me more'-
    These customers need to get set straight and not so much about what problem they were having as me giving them some advice about lasers and whats a good thing to do with them but more importantly what they should NEVER do--

    Some i suggest they join both forums but most I just send to LPF as if they came here and posted what i read in the emails --

    it would be 'ass-handing ' time--

    Most must be kids- as are the majority of those in trouble for lasing aircraft=so to 'encourage' them to learn and use lasers ONLY in good ways- I often make them join LPF read the rules-stickies- put their real age and location in their profile - ,make an 'intro' thread in 'Welcome'
    use the search- and study a lot at Sam/s FAQ

    and THEN PM me at the forums and i will answer their questions and give them links- so, if they want help ,maybe by forcing them to go thru this 'maze' they just might come out and NOT do the STOOPID.

    W/O some good advice they would be taking 1500mW 445 s to school- or doing worse.

    Coz some have BAD ideas and plans-

    all many want to do is attach a battery directly to a sled diode and then do some of the stupidest things I have ever heard- one wanted to make a laser that he could break his neighbors windows WTH?--

    One wanted to destroy red light cameras-

    another wanted to do the same to his neighbors security cams-
    (and the cams were there before this guy moved there- and were aimed at the other guys front door but in the background you prolly could also see the complaining guys rented house. He should be thanking his neighbor.

    MAYBE the most ignorant -- was a guy that wanted a laser that only he could see at night, and he planned to somehow light fire works from a distance while his neighbors went for their nightly walk -- The guy who wanted a laser owned seven dogs and they bark loud and long when they walk by.

    So I will not help every person with their issue when i see where they may be going with my help..

    I now get 'paid' very well for my services (aside from a good feeling that i may get steering these people away from doing regrettable actions)

    AixiZ now gives me most of the returned items-

    a few at first --
    then more-

    then at last years AixiZ Christmas party I got a huge heavy box- some of these had been sitting on a shelf a while - some for years- AixiZ sells lots of items- very few are defective- most returned items were damaged by the buyer- a few worked just fine?? AixiZ often sends a replacement no matter who was at fault- he only makes them return the 'bad' item to lessen the chances of getting scammed for being nice.

    I am still toying with some of these 'defective' items almost one year later- so that's really cool- And there is another Xmas party planned at AixiZ --


    sorry for the off topic rant
    Last edited by hakzaw1; 12-05-2013 at 13:35. Reason: rant

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post
    Tried logging in over a period of three days. Wont take my current password either.

    Something may have glitched up your password
    Contact c0ldshadow
    He can reset it for you
    I see nothing wrong or untoward with your account


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi


    Is PL that hated over there that you can't post links for here? I reference LPF in threads and send people there to search for answers on diode tortire tests etc.
    leading in trailing technology

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by polishedball View Post
    Is PL that hated over there that you can't post links for here? I reference LPF in threads and send people there to search for answers on diode tortire tests etc.
    There is no "hate" of PL
    c0ldshadow just doesn't allow links to competing forums
    It is not just PL


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