Hello -
I am looking for some less expensive laser software.
I currently am running some software I got from laser illusions but it is to horibly glitchy. I am ready for something that actualy works ; )
Any recomdations?
Hello -
I am looking for some less expensive laser software.
I currently am running some software I got from laser illusions but it is to horibly glitchy. I am ready for something that actualy works ; )
Any recomdations?
Have a good one -
Eeeewwww... F'd up there man... If I am reading correctly... You just shot your self in the foot. If we are anything here we are honest and all pay for our software... Well I didn't, I use popelscan.
But, my dream is to get Pangolin.
I doubt you will get any replies, well usefull replies, except for this one, while even hinting at your above statement...![]()
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
Actually you are dead wrong, there *ARE* laserist pirates, check it out.
that was just wierd...
How about black mamba 2004
any reviews?
Its seems very low cost but will i loose quality with it>?
Have a good one -
You've got the names mixed up. There is Mamba 2004, and then there's Mamba Black.
Mamba 2004 is an entry-level software package, while Mamba Black is the upgraded version. The interfaces are nearly identical, but the features are very different.
Mamba 2004 will allow you to create very basic shows. You can display ilda images, and that's about it. You can't add any effects to them. (Rotate, move, zoom, colorize, etc) Furthermore, you can't syncronize a show to music using Mamba 2004. But it will get you started with laser shows. It can output to several different DAC's, including the Easlylase USB DAC, the Ryia PCI DAC, the Ryia USB DAC, and several different parallel DACs.
Mamba Black, on the other hand, is some very nice software and will allow you to do a lot of different things, including multiple projectors, multiple effects, and it will also allow you to syncronize your show to music. Mamba Black is fairly popular, and there are several people here that use it. Like Mamba 2004, it will output to many different DAC's.
For the money, I'd say Mamba Black is the way to go. Mamba 2004 isn't that much cheaper, but it really lacks some of the important features that you're going to want.
One final thought. You mentioned Laser Illusions, which means you're running the Alpahlite. Make sure you've got the latest version of the software (2.90) before you give up hope. Rick has fixed a lot of the bugs that plagued earlier versions, and it's pretty stable now. It still won't let you syncronize a show to music, but it doesn't crash anymore.
Remember too, that if you buy Mamba Black you'll need to buy a DAC as well. (I've tried, but I can't get the Alphalite DAC to work with Mamba Black.)
I don't know how you found that Youtube clip, but it is really wierd... The announcer dude had to be seriously stoned when he did that!
Last edited by buffo; 03-05-2007 at 08:10.