I got this question becouse I dont want to damage my laser...
On many web pages they say 2-20 minutes Warm up time ..
Why is that ??
To prevent from damage?
To get a more stabile output with max power?
Warm it up before I can use TTL mode on it ?
This is a question I not have getted any good answer on...
What do you do when you "warm up" the DPSS ?
Do you run the laser on constant white output for 10min with the door closed ??
And what about cool down time?
Viasho told me to TURN down the power before I turn off laser on button..
That will give the chrystal longer life-time...
So I wonder...
When I use the laser..
I cannot use TTL mode if not been ON 15min ?
And "can" I use TTL if the laser should not be turn OFF directly ?