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Thread: question from clandestiny

  1. #1
    clandestiny's Avatar
    clandestiny is offline Eleventy-Billion Watt Ar/Kr >:)
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    Default question from clandestiny

    hello all. I realize that if i fish around on the site i may find the answer to this- but i'll just cut to the chase instead. I wish to purchase a green unit around 100mw for table and cavity alignment on some larger systems.
    what is my best bet on price and performance?
    go big or go home

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian



    In my opinion, your best option would be Lasever's ML series. It is compact and very easy to adjust the focus. It also comes with analog modulation in case you decide to use it for something other than alignments. The one I have is spec'd at 100mW and is doing 193mW. Here is a link to the web site:

    Also, Dave and Aijii here on the forum sells these unit (drop ship) and both have been quite pleasant to deal with.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Sorry man, can't suggest anything. I had a 100mW from Extremelasers but I never measured it, and it died after the power supply opened and I tried to turn it down... My fault so I never followed up with Extreme. Now the blue I got from them was/is 25+ mw over the 50 it was sold as... but that may have been because I mentioned it would be seen here.

    Most of my dealings with Aixiz have been poor so I can't recommend them either. These are the two US sellers I have seen on eBay. To bad marconi doesn't make greens...
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Charlotte, NC


    I have access to several 50mw big dipper greens, i think they run me around $60 after shipping. i would part with one for that price to someone who was so good of a host (even though i wasnt there for FLEM) the diameter and divergence is like that of a pointer; ie really good. the con, no IR filter so puts out around 350mw of ir and visable

  5. #5
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    If you're in a hurry and a 30mw will work. I have one of the aixiz 30mW from eBay that I got a replacement for and they never asked for this one back. It jellybeans bretty bad but if you're not blanking it you won't notice. It also doesn't have an IR filter, but I assume you can drag one out from under a couch cusion or something. The power supply is open and you need to wire it to a 120 plug. I may have a plug also. I was going to butcher it and try to make a pointer out of it. I just remembered it. You can have it if you want. You could swing by my work and pick it up actually...

  6. #6
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    Charleston, SC

    Thumbs up

    Great community we've got here!

    If any of the above offers don't pan out, or you decide you need a full 100 mw, I'll second DZurcher's suggestion for the Lasever unit. I've had good luck with them, and they're cheap!

    But then again, it's pretty hard to beat Aaron's offer... Or George's - if you need more power.


  7. #7
    clandestiny's Avatar
    clandestiny is offline Eleventy-Billion Watt Ar/Kr >:)
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    somewhere between orlando and san antonio


    Thanks for all the offers. I believe- for a few reasons, that I may need at lleast a good 100mw. So that is the way I'll go. Thanks you all for the generous offers.
    While I am here I wanted to mention the floyd spectacular has come a long way. It is now more representative of a good display/production. Having
    given it my thumbs up I will make comment of which I had not previously
    said in public. That is the show used to completely suck. In fact for years
    it gave the biz a bad name, and it was often hard to book events after anyone had seen it. i mean lame-ohh. what we did at flem would blow away
    their old show, So, nuff of that, I am just glad they up-ped it 200 notches.
    Cross-bencher and myself had tossed around the idea of another flem meet,
    I think that we could sync our calenders and possibly put that together.
    Also, although I didn't look at their setup first hand something had occured
    to me a few days later while aligning a table. It was a true duh moment and i cant believe I didn't catch it at the show. The arial beam that we where
    referring to as the green/white washed out effect was actually the waste
    beam off the pcaom. The colors they needed for the graphic where taken to
    the screen,- we where seeing the rejected beam dumped through a second set of scanners for arial effect over the crowd. So in effect- they only used one whitelight and one argon for the show-

    Ohhh, let me clarify- george , what you have is 35mw? or 350mw?

    Ohhh, one other thing. why is spec screwing me on my handle. I would like my eleventy billion watt rating back-
    Last edited by clandestiny; 03-15-2007 at 19:19.
    go big or go home

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    I got a 100-150mW TTL green over here I could let slide for $150ish.

    The optics are not adjustable, but it has a really nice "pinprick" beam. 1mm/1mRad.

    And about your title... Yea... Forum conversion: lost it. Should be set now. Need any changes done to it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Curious, why green and why high power? If I were looking for a cavity alignment laser I'd look for beam width and divergence. In that respect none of the "cheap" lasers would suffice without picking the best from a bunch.

    That said, the NLC 150mW and the lasever 100mW have very nice beams, through neither are as tight as a hene... If I was working on a larger tube like the 171 or Sabre, then neither laser would suffice as the beams wide enough that even after alignment, once your OC is back ok you'd still have to rock the head to find the sweetspot. The HeNe has a tight enough beam that I usually get close enough to a lasing beam so I just have to walk it home using the screws.

    [edit] If spec has 1mm 1mr beams, then that's perfect!
    Last edited by yaddatrance; 03-16-2007 at 02:32.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Heh, I have a .82mW hene... I think he means 350mW of IR and green, 35mW of visible green.

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