Hi all
I need help knowing which 473nm Blue DPSS laser to buy.
I have prices from Lasever ($1400 for 200Mw) and from Lasercentury ($1550 for 200Mw). Both come with analogue modulation, TEC cooling, linear polarisation, Tem00 and power supplies.
It seems that beyond 200Mw the price rockets! So, I guess 200Mw offers the best value for money overall.
Does anyone have experience of either of these units? Are there any other units I should be considering?
Can I trust the manufacturers specifications, or to put it another way is the 200Mw really 200Mw of BLUE or is there a load of IR in there pushing the power up?
Any help and advice would be greatfully received as i'm realy wanting to get the blue ordered so I can get on with my project
Thanks all.