Hi everyone,
I'm about to buy a CNI Blue diode laser module (PGL-V-H-447/1-1000mW), but I'm not sure how the modulation works & wonder if you can help?
I'm told that its analogue & TTL. And the data sheet definitely says 'option'.
So I was thinking that there is a dedicated pin on which I would put say +5v for 100% intensity, +2.5 for 50% & 0v for off, with every point I between. Or TTL levels of +5v for on & 0v for off.
But I've just read the CNI data sheet, which says: "TTL/Analog 1Hz -5kHz, 1Hz-10kHz, 1Hz-30kHz & TTL".
Do I need to supply an up to 30kHz pulsed waveform to achieve modulation?
Is anyone familiar with this, or am I being particularly daft? (I have been subjected to enduring 2.5 hours of 'The Voice' on television!).
But I'm looking forward to ordering my laser this week!
Thanks all,
Simon B.