I have some experience in this matter.
BTW, incoherent LED does better long haul then laser in some respects, over a certain threshold distance, mainly in bandwidth. Laser can suffer from group delay and other issues with respect to scintillation.
Would you like some ham radio microwave gear?, perhaps I can help as that is the "other" hobby at 10 Ghz and some other frequencies. Desired Distance?
I also have a few 10 watt LEDs if your game, I can drop one in the mail, and I'm sure DTR will have some from Ca$io pojectors.
Going to narrow bandwidth allows signal recovery over distance. I'd love to see what the Auzzies could have done with Avalanche Photodiodes.
Last edited by mixedgas; 05-02-2014 at 08:53.
Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
When I still could have...