Banding and, rolling shutter and ribbons can occure at certain scanspeed and Fps&shutterspeed combos, Try and record at 24 Fps with 1/24 shutterspeed or 30Fps with 1/30th shutterspeed, If it gets dark try and bump the iso or open the aparature abit. Its a bit challenge at first but you get a feel of what scanspeeds do what at those combos. Try and get the camera to have as low fps/shutter combo but aproxamently as close as the eye (around 24Fps) having a low Fps with a high shutter will produce those ribbons in and cuts like you have in your pictures.
That is if you have a DSLR to record with. But some people have gotten very good results with iphone cameras , Would recommend DSLR's for higher quality and more fine control over everything.
Last edited by hybridz0rz; 05-12-2014 at 14:04.
Reason: Adding info
1x - 2W RGB DT40Pro (Currently building)
1x - 1W RGB PT25K
EtherDream, LaserShowExpress, Ipad (TouchOSC)