Interesting !!! Thanx for posting ! I expect we will need SOME adaptive optics on his addition to the collimation lens. Yes...the angle on your first Anamorphic looks a bit severe....and this WILL get into our knickers with a PO loss. MMMmmm.. Likely Cylindericals will be demanded!! Too bad...Anamorphics are less demanding to set the position.
When you get your will see...for as you rotate the first will achieve a lower divergence....but....also....a lower power output !! Optics are just a PITA. CDBEAM=======>
Beam Axiom #1 ~The Quantum well is DEEP ! Photons for ALL !!
Beam Axiom #2 ~Yes...As a matter of fact...I DO wear tinfoil on my head !!
Beam Axiom #3 ~Whe'n dout...Po ah Donk awn et !!
Beam Axiom #4 ~A Chicken in every Pot, and a Laser Lumia in every Livingroom !!
Beam Axiom #5 ~"Abstract Photonic Expressionism" "Abstractonimical" !!
Beam Axiom #6 ~ "A Posse ad Essea" ~ From being possible to being actual the beam target !