music for laser shows (the backwards approach)
when i finish a new show, i feel tired but wired. like there's still some leftover patterns jangling around in my skull. part of it is the need to take the pretty light experiments a little further.. "what about a world z transform and three clone loops instead of two" and part of it is just the instinct to keep ploughing on and creating things that have never been seen.
tonight is no exception. my 440 show update is posted and i've been watching old laser show videos on youtube. there's a simple effect i've always loved. it's just a rapidly collapsing or expanding circle with color modulation effects. it looks like a pov trick with leds and bicycles wheels. very traditional and lovely.
i've been poking at it for a while. working with dots and lines and things. then i figured out how to cheat and use the lissajous editor. then i figured out how to cheat some more and reduce point count by using post rendering intensity modulation effects to simulate line breaks. i've been playing with layering color modulation effects on top of it, but i've been completely uninspired. i can close my eyes and visualize exactly what i want to make, but i can't make my fingers do what my brain sees.
and then it hit me.
i am entirely incapable of making laser shows without music.
fair enough. i spend some time surfing through my mp3 collection, playing music too loudly and rejecting songs based on criteria i'm not conscious of.
an hour later and i realized instead of making a laser show to music. i am now selecting music to match the laser show in my head.
the face i'm making right now...
suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.