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Thread: Laser Projector Simulator

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    38.9235N -89.9345W

    Default Laser Projector Simulator

    A while back I started working on a program that would let me try out ideas in software before I actually built things to see if/what they might do. I have it working fairly well, looks something like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	LPS.png 
Views:	70 
Size:	214.8 KB 
ID:	45342

    If anyone else would like to play with this, let me know and I will upload a zip file that I hope will install and run.

    The program is a windows WPF C# app using MVVM. I built it to run on my laptop which has a good size screen, so the app is big, but can be resized. I originally tried using the click-once install thingy, but have since decided it sucks. Now it uses the Windows installer, it should install in your Program Files directory along with a Samples directory and put a shortcut on your desktop. It will install .NET 4.0 client if you don't have it.

    Download and unzip the attached zip file, run the setup.exe file. There are some test images that can be loaded.
    Last edited by AnAnonymousParty; 11-13-2014 at 14:55. Reason: Added new zip file

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Wow, looks awesome... Does it output to .ild format? COULD it? Would love to play around with it...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    38.9235N -89.9345W


    I added a zip file that you should be able to download. Unzip and run the setup.exe file and it should install. I included some saved images you can load to get an idea of how to start.

    As of right now all it saves are xml files that are a snapshot of all the control settings. Since this thing basically computes waveform equations in real time, I had considered outputting the X and Y signals as audio output. I'd have to look at ild specs to what that might entail, but this thing doesn't just draw a static image, but one that is continuously changing. If I did go the audio output route I'd probably add a way to build and play sequences of saved image settings.

    Give it a shot and let me know what you thing, any problems, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Looks like you've put some work in this!

    "Since this thing basically computes waveform equations in real time, I had considered outputting the X and Y signals as audio output. "

    You should consider doing that. Thanks for posting!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Akron, Ohio USA


    I have a pretty good idea about the specs involved in the bridge between audio signals and ILDA files or vise-versa.

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