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Thread: RGB Projector noob, with noob questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Thumbs up RGB Projector noob, with noob questions.

    Hey all, sorry if this all has been asked before, I tried searching and there is just so much info here I was having a hard time digging through it all.

    First off, I am sorry for the nooby question, I am completely new to laser projectors, but not to lasers in general. I started asking questions about laser graphics and was told that you all are the experts, and I am hoping that you can lend me some help.

    Here is what I want to do:
    I would like to project an image (similar to this: Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20081124-front-on-face-drawing.png 
Views:	6 
Size:	21.7 KB 
ID:	43628) and some text (similar to this: Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5.gif 
Views:	4 
Size:	6.0 KB 
ID:	43629) onto the side of a building (at night).

    What matters to me:
    • Price: I honestly don't know where to start, but I want it for under $500
    • Power: I want the image/text to be clearly visible on the building

    What I dont really care about:
    • Color: I really only need one color. Don't get me wrong, if I could do RGB that would be great, but just "green" would suffice.
    • Music integration: Right now, my goal is to draw a logo on a building. That is it. Any other fancy stuff would be neat, but not needed.

    Can anyone help point me in the direction I need to go? I really appreciate it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Detroit, USA


    Hi hevnsnt,

    I assume that you do not own any of your own equipment, so my first question to you is: Are you trying to buy the equipment to accomplish this, or pay somebody to do it for you? Can you tell us where you live?

    Welcome to the forum!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Langhus - Norway


    The straight forward answer is NO. for 500,- USD you will not be able to produce a diecent quality image on your building. New gear wil cost a lot more to purchase, and I also guess you will have trouble with the law just by starting projecting without the proper paperwork done in beforhand.

    There are of course a lot of if`s and but`s involved, and i don`t want you to stop the project before even starting. Just consider using some more $$, and you will have all kinds of fun later on.

    There are cheap - SD based projectors, but you will not find any able to produce a diecent quality logo. The parts needed for that inside the projector will each one probably cost more than your budget.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stiffler View Post
    Hi hevnsnt,

    I assume that you do not own any of your own equipment, so my first question to you is: Are you trying to buy the equipment to accomplish this, or pay somebody to do it for you? Can you tell us where you live?

    Welcome to the forum!
    Right now I only have some laser pointers, I would need to buy new equipment. And yes, I am wanting to do it myself. By that I mean, I would like to buy a device that can do it, and I can do the programming, setup, etc.

    As far as legalities go, that is not an issue. We have the building owners permission. I am located in Kansas City (USA)

  5. #5
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    Jun 2014


    Also, can you please explain to me why something like the Reke 500RGB Stage Show Projector wont work for what I am doing? I hope that question 'reads' right, I am not arguing, I am looking for a technical understanding of why it is not feasible.


  6. #6
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    The REKE could work, but it might not be bright enough for you. Also the scanners will probably not be fast enough for what you want to scan, you will see lots of flicker.

    The other question is, how are you going to send a signal to the projector? The easiest way would be with Quickshow and an FB3 DAC, however it is not the cheapest, expect to spend around $500 for that alone. Quickshow has a great trace feature that can trace line art easily.

    Another option is an Etherdream DAC and LaserCam, which is considerably cheaper, but has a higher learning curve to get started with.

  7. #7
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    Detroit, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by hevnsnt View Post
    As far as legalities go, that is not an issue. We have the building owners permission. I am located in Kansas City (USA)
    I hate to burst your bubble, but having the building owners permission is not good enough in the USA. To be legit, you will need an operators variance, a varianced projector, and since this is out doors, you will need to notify the FAA. While it's not very likely that you will get caught if you don't follow the rules, it's good practice to follow them, ESPECIALLY because you are a noob. As for using the Reke 500RGB Stage Show Projector, that all depends on your expectations, but honestly if there is any ambient light it isn't going to be bright enough, and I doubt the scanners will reproduce your graphics & text very well. I have a 3 watt RGB with Pangolin 506 scanners, and that is about the minimum I would ever use to attempt an outdoor presentation. If you are using one color, about a watt of green should get you by.

  8. #8
    swamidog's Avatar
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    etherdream DAC and LaserCam would also allow you to digitize and laser project video sequences and animations. if memory serves, the auto-trace feature in quickshow is quite good, but is single frame only

    Quote Originally Posted by bungy View Post
    Another option is an Etherdream DAC and LaserCam, which is considerably cheaper, but has a higher learning curve to get started with.
    suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

  9. #9
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    it depends on how far is the building from the projector, at 20 m a 500mW of green might suffice but if you're projecting at 100 m i'd go with 5+ watt, the more the better

  10. #10
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    Langhus - Norway


    Quote Originally Posted by hevnsnt View Post
    Also, can you please explain to me why something like the Reke 500RGB Stage Show Projector wont work for what I am doing? I hope that question 'reads' right, I am not arguing, I am looking for a technical understanding of why it is not feasible.

    I will try to clearyfy my points.

    When reproducing a Logo, the owner of the logo normally would like it to be some sort of recognition with the original. To be able to do so, you would need scanners (the small mirrors wobbeling to create the image), with a dicent quality and speed. A set of PT-30`s will set you back USD 150,- pluss shipping. Then you need as said above a good lightsource. A 500mW green laser module can be bought for USD 300,- Other bits and pices neede will be another USD.

    Now you still don`t have anything to control the laser with. QS and Spaghetti have been mentioned erlier as software, and a DAC will be in your collection sooner or later. QS with the FB3 are alone USD500,- or Riya Lite with Spaghetti SW are USD 230,-

    Of course you can find used equipment, and probably a ready made unit with all the ingredients you need for a better price than above mentioned.

    I started with the cheap stuff, but i never got the result i wanted, and in the end all of it have a cost far beyond the cost of a good laser to start with. (But i also have had a lot of fun, and learned a lot by putting cheap bits and pieces togheter.)

    I hope this is clearifying for you.

    PS. Stay safe, and follow the rules for your country. Laser are not toys, and i have pictures of my retina to prove it. (Despite using safetygoggles, but they are no good on the tip of your nose, trying to align the beam, and a stray beam hits your eye.)
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