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Thread: POP_UP Meet- near DALLAS TX- aug. 9th (Sat)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default DFW MEMBERS --where are you?POP_UP Meet- near DALLAS TX- aug. 20th (Sat)

    ---- A chance to meet in person with forum members in the DFW area= to discuss possible future DFWLEM-and to look at two venues--

    a second mini LEM may happen when I return from SELEM- PM me asap with your contact info if you are interested in this gathering (s)-- I can meet with anyone between- aug 20 and aug 23--


    I am in DALLAS- if you were serious about meeting with other members--PM me ASAP
    Last edited by hakzaw1; 08-21-2014 at 11:39.
    BEYOND-FB3/APC40Mamba Black(clone & currently on loan) 2X 5paghetti & 2 I-Show 2X KGB 1000mW 532 DT40K (pair)XFX 1300 RGB full color RGB 30K DIY 3.5WRGB work in progress et al..assorted ttl chi-jectors--LOTS of LUMIA DIY pjs-
    Powered by Pangolin
    Former (2.5 yrs) ILDA Member- :-(
    uncertified ILDA LSO -- dont ask

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)


    B U M P

    the meeting this Sat (9th@ 6PM) is on. and if there is interest I am free to meet Sunday the 10Th as well.

    PM your contact info & you will get the details-there will very likely be more meetings after we return from SELEM-(~the 20th) I will still be in DFW until the 26th-- Our goal is two to four TEXLEMs per year (Hou/DFW/Austin & San An.)
    we have plenty members with interest and will make it happen-

    BEYOND-FB3/APC40Mamba Black(clone & currently on loan) 2X 5paghetti & 2 I-Show 2X KGB 1000mW 532 DT40K (pair)XFX 1300 RGB full color RGB 30K DIY 3.5WRGB work in progress et al..assorted ttl chi-jectors--LOTS of LUMIA DIY pjs-
    Powered by Pangolin
    Former (2.5 yrs) ILDA Member- :-(
    uncertified ILDA LSO -- dont ask

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