Originally Posted by
Hi David,
Not to burst your bubble but, you may need to rethink your price just a little. I appreciate that they are unused and yes, free shipping is a big consideration however,as you mentioned, they can be had new retail from Stanwax at 429 pound sterling. Stanwax is a known quantity on this site whereas this is your first post.
Also... with the unfavorable exchange rate for a large percentage of your viewers here, that translates to $714.93 US funds. They sell new at Goldenstar (also a known quantity) for $500 US and from Lasershowparts (again, known quantity) new for $600 US (or 354.18 pound sterling) Why would I buy opened but rumoured new from an unknown source for 409 pounds, versus buying new with someone I've dealt with for years at 350 pounds?
Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of DT40wides and would be interested at a more reasonable price but as an example, the last ones I bought with very little use were about $400 US which translates to about 230 pounds. I think you're going to need to get down to 275 to 300 pounds before you get any bites. Especially with Pangolin coming out with the new Compact 506 scanners and Phenix Technologies coming out with a 40wide model for less money as well. Sorry... 20 pounds off retail may mean you are hanging on to them for awhile.