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Thread: ilda hogden woes - first time ilda sdcard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Laser Warning ilda hogden woes - first time ilda sdcard

    hi there laser fans, my first post sorry if its in the wrong section

    ive been djing for a while now and ive used lasers as a leg up on the competition.

    up until now ive been running a kam 3d cluster - kam 1000 3d - 2 x laser uk blue accords - kam grb120 - and a smaller chinese cluster

    and while most may laugh at these toys on here i have been able to create quite a display, although basic it has been enough to hoist my club night above the glut of mediocre nights competing.

    anyway ive taken the plunge and a evma netline 2000mw laser has arrived and i can tell from early tests this is quite a step up, 400 red 638 , 400 green 652, 1200 blue 454

    i got this unit specifically because it has a sd card slot with the intention of filling it up with quality frames and just letting it do its own thing, i do not have time or the man power to man a control box.

    so i got the sdcard out and while it does contain some decent animations i would like to add some waves and and tunnels and standard laser patterns (it does have this on auto mode but once strapped to the cieling i cant get to the control panel on the laser)

    i grabbed some frames from photolexicon and pasted into an ilda folder and various other folders, i could tell it wasnt going to be this simple as there were files on the card called play list and ddr files etc, as expected it didnt work.

    can someone point me in the right direction? do i just delete everything off the card and just have ilda files on it? or what then?

    any help much appriciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    My momentum is too precisely determined :S


    Can you open those extra files in a text editor? It's likely you need to give in the name of the ilda file together with some extra information (like scan speed). If that fails you could try replacing the default animations with your own frames which have the same name as the animations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    East Sussex, England


    The issue of a 2W laser and 'filling it up and letting it do it's own thing' part worries me a little...

    At the very least, none of the beams should be entering the crowd and you should have a proper e-stop in this situation, not just a switched power plug.
    Frikkin Lasers

    You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?

    I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    thanks cmb, i can see that changing the file names would work, ill try it soon and figure out how to add more later - ill look into the estop idea morty, all the beams are above head height. thanks

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