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Thread: PSA / Attn: 'Goldenstar' PLEASE.. NO! STOP!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by absolom7691 View Post
    ...And yes, E.F. is most likely lurking and laughing at our concern ..
    ..Heh, well you can tell my 'ol pal 'EF' that I said he can go shoot himself in the eye at arms-length with 30mW of Green, and then 50mW of red in the other eye, and then come back and tell us how 'funny' our concerns are.. (ps, that's a joke, cuz 30mW of Green, straight in the eye, would-about feel like getting kicked in the face by a kangaroo, and I wouldn't wish that even on 'ol EF'..

    ..anyhoo.. Off topic..
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Cleveland Ohio


    what could be "safer" would be the same thing but using a focused halogen bulb like in the old spencer units or the use of a 20x beam expander or such pointed straight up for use near airports. How about just putting some leds in there that blink a smiley face.

  3. #13
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    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Thumbs up

    Hello Mimi -

    I know we (personally..) have never communicated.. I have-only interacted with 'Winni' a couple times, but.. just, first to say 'Nice to 'e-Meet you' and Thanks very much for your thoughtful response to this posting. It is, indeed, rare that a Co. would 'come forward', off a very-few (relatively..) individual's comments / statements of intended-action - Very-respectable, and much appreciated.. Especially by us, here in the US.. Reason-being..

    Quote Originally Posted by goldenstarmimi View Post
    ..We just sent out around 100 e-mails, and some customers told me this problem, and I have stop telling and selling such products..
    ..That's great, as I am sure that both Goldenstar - and it's US-customer base - would much-prefer for Your Co. to continue sales of it's clearly-improving line of laser and 'laser-fx' projectors, here,, and not put all that in jeopardy, over some 'novelty-product'.. Clearly yes, because you've already stated you're 'killing it', and again, that's Great..

    ..Yes, I may have an 'obnoxious personality' but please know that 'our mutual best-interests', is / was my only motive for this posting - nothing 'personal'. I want to protect the 'freedoms' we all have / enjoy.. And, by making-known the perils of such a product, publicly, that was the surest way to 'get your attention', and to rally others to be aware of it / speak-out against it, *before* ie: there were mass-sales, and some 'incident' (ie: some bozo scans a plane wearing one of these, and the product, itself, ends-up making the news, as 'part' of the ruckus..) that could end-up spiraling into 'blanket-legislation' - which would only hurt You and I ('I', collectively, all those, here, that buy components / projectors, etc..) which is what none of us want..

    ..Additionally, there is a legitimate-concern for people's actual eye-safety, as, as I've stated above (and put-forth some research (PDF) these power-levels *are* dangerous to be waving around - in this format - on the totally-unpredictable 'gimbal' of someone's head, not to mention most people are not 3M tall.. Aside from people - very-likely - getting even slight damage to their eyes at 30-50mW (And remember, much laser-induced eye-damage can go undetected / undiagnosed for a looong-time, before it manifests itself... But, it's still damage..) there's my stated-concern for 'cats / dogs', and/or kids shooting themselves / each-other in the eyes, at close-range (arms-length!), from not-realizing how powerful these modules really-are, etc.. And on and on..

    ...Point-being.. GOOD CALL to take these off the market. PLEASE, though, still-discourage your friend from marketing them to 'other Countries', where they may-not have the same 'Regs' we-do.. Why?

    Quote Originally Posted by goldenstarmimi View Post
    .. He told me..the laser beam can be adjusted ,the laser beam can be higher than human's head, and it won't hurt people.
    Even-if you could 'turn the power-down to only 5mW' or something 'safER'.. How does this friend propose to *control people's heads*?? ie: Can you just *imagine* one of these on some 'drunk-persons' head at a large concert?? Even 'Regulations' would not prevent the invariable-mayhem.. Anyway.. I'm sure even the Bands of the World will now Thank You too, for abandoning these 'concert-wreckers'..

    Quote Originally Posted by goldenstarmimi View Post
    Anyway, I stop selling already, hope everyone can forgive us on this. Anyway, Golden star is good company, and I am a kind person, always like to help people, hope every one can forget this...
    Indeed, by-this action of 'customer-feedback-prompted recall', Goldenstar has again, demonstrated that is it a Good Company, responsible, dedicated to self-improvement, and caring for both public-safety, and pursuing only worthwhile-products that will not bring harm to people, nor the Industry they serve.. Once again, Thank You for your conscientious actions, here, and.. our 'hats are off' to ya..

    PS - I never had time yesterday, to file the 'Trade Complaint' with the FDA, so.. Glad we both 'caught this in-time', and the far-more lucrative / important-for-Goldenstar sector of it's manufacturing, (projectors..) won't be 'molested' over such a silly-product..

    Cheers, and All the Best to You and your Familiy..
    Last edited by dsli_jon; 08-10-2014 at 06:54. Reason: sp
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Indiana, US


    Wow, what a horrid idea, just like all the "laser rave gloves" on ebay. That, or the person on LPF who wanted to put 250mW lasers on the outside of a hula hoop....

    You would think the manufacturers/sellers would stop and think "hey wait a second, this is a horrible, stupid idea." I would think a company like goldenstar would have half a clue.

  5. #15
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    It was only a matter of time before powerful laser diodes would find their way into these novelty toys. It's great to see common sense interaction between this forum's community and Chinese manufacturers. Those glasses look a lot like the ones I made decades ago for ZZ Top to use during the song "Cheap Sunglasses". Except they were fiber optic (no powerful LD's back then). They were interlocked with mercury switches to turn off the beam below a certain angle. The BRH had actually given me the OK but the band nixed them. They liked the effect but didn't want to be tethered by fiber cables and they had serious concerns about their hats being pulled off accidentally.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    you can switch laser diodes for LED diodes and you get a safe, yet still interesting product for party wackos

  7. #17
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    Puts on tin foil hat and hides....
    This space for rent.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    State of Shock USA


    Quote Originally Posted by dzodzo View Post
    you can switch laser diodes for LED diodes and you get a safe, yet still interesting product for party wackos
    You could always switch the red lasers out to IR lasers. This way no one could see the beam, and you'd be safe.
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  9. #19
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    Browsing around Ebay last night, I found listings for a couple of these hats from Chinese suppliers. Looks like they're back.
    The LED idea is good- I made quite a bit of beer money mounting various colors of LEDS in the lenses of sunglasses a number of years ago. The best seller was made with pinpoint red LEDS- couldn't build them fast enough around Halloween, but the supply of diodes dried up.
    Last edited by glorocks; 08-19-2014 at 11:27. Reason: SP

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by glorocks View Post
    Browsing around Ebay last night, I found listings for a couple of these hats from Chinese suppliers. Looks like they're back...
    ..from same 'ChOEM', mentioned in this thread? Cuz that would be ...I would expect-not, but.. If not.. got any linx ta 'whodunit'? Reportin' time's here...

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

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