OK, instead of doing something worth while, like putting a laser show together, or even pre-packing my gear in preparation for SELEM, I decided to change the water pump on my Jeep this weekend. (It's been leaking for a while, and I wanted it done before SELEM.)
6.5 hours later I'm finally finished! Sheesh! Went to three different auto-parts stores and rented three different sets of fan-clutch wrech kits. NONE OF THEM FIT. Bastards. Ended up doing things the old-fashioned way: big damned set of channel-locks, plus a hefty crescent wrench and a huge cheater bar.
I can't believe getting that damned clutch fan off was such a pain in the ass! Starting to understand why the dealership wanted $450 to change a $40 water pump though.
And in fairness, the 6.5 hours was at least half-spent driving around town with my son. But still, it was a day wasted. Sigh.
At least the new pump is installed now (finally) and running with no leaks. So I feel good about towing the U-Haul trailer all the way to SELEM. I just wish I had my Saturday back!
Time to take a muscle-relaxer and grab something to eat before I go to bed... Sheesh! (Getting way to old for this crap!)