Hi All
I'm hoping the collective knowledge of the forum might help get closer to what has happened.
I have a Laserwave dual 640nm module, which the driver stopped working on (no mains power led, essentially dead). As far as I'm aware, it was working correctly and fully prior to it failing.
I contacted Laserwave, who advised that they could supply a new driver, adjusted for my head, for a price that made it worth doing.
I should describe the hardware a little first. It uses 2 single mode diodes, combined with a cube. Each diode is driven separately from the driver. The connector is an 8 pin circular plug, with LD1+, LD1-, LD2+, LD2-, pair for TEC power and pair for temp feedback.
So, I received the driver, fitted it in order to do a test run, and powered it up.
Pretty much as soon as I applied AC power, a fair amount of smoke came from the head (which is sealed, so it must've been forced out of the casing join). Note that this was before any modulation was applied, so essentially off.
I've attached a pic of what i discovered when i opened the head. I've sent this to Bill to ask what he thinks could cause a Lasorb to melt down so spectacularly.
So, what I'd like to explore is what could've happened, and what the possible cause could be.
There is the possibility they sent me a bad/misconfigured driver, but I'm also open to the fact that something was wrong with the burned diode (which could've broken the first driver too maybe?)
Note that after all this, the remaining diode and drive for it works just fine (although i believe its set to too high current, as it peaks at 2.5V mod input)
So, to my questions:
1. If a bad/shorted diode was connected to the output of the driver, could this cause what I've seen, even if the driver wasn't actually applying power to the diode?
2. I would like to test the output of the driver on those pins. How do I go about this? Do I need to connect a dummy load of some sort, and measure current and voltage in series? I can also compare the output with the known working LD pair of pins.
I have my suspicion that it might have been connected to the TEC drive somehow, which would be consistent with it coming on immediately power was applied and big current, but at the moment that is just a suspicion.
As I said, I'm open minded about this at the moment, but lacking the knowledge to fully test it and get closer to a theory.
As it stands, i think this is hosed, so probably junk or a project for someone, but unfortunately its one of a pair, so will necessitate switching out both units for new ones, which is a shame as they're awesome beams.