where to get hold on 1mm/1,5mm galvo mirrors?
Tried EO, but I might be blind...didnt find any
I fund: http://www.onestoplasershop.com/optical.htm
Anyone know this site?
where to get hold on 1mm/1,5mm galvo mirrors?
Tried EO, but I might be blind...didnt find any
I fund: http://www.onestoplasershop.com/optical.htm
Anyone know this site?
Last edited by cruch; 04-06-2007 at 11:38.
Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
Riya MultiBus
Pangolin LD2000 Pro
From another thread on here, it was claimed that they are (some of?)
the NML guys... I don't know the site personally as it is rather new.
Are you looking for 6800 mirrors?
well..they are expensive.
to high for me...
Will use theese chinese galvos for beamshow..so I guess
pricerange 10-30usd. I may change the one working also.
looking for mirrors for this galvo. See picture
Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
Riya MultiBus
Pangolin LD2000 Pro
If you're looking at Y mirrors you are seeking 0.2" x 0.48" x 1mm
For X mirrors 0.2" x 0.23" x 1mm
The prices on onstop seemed fine for small quantities, Remember
the shipping will eat any penny savings you work for...
Hi Cruch,
Probably you can get replacement mirrors from either PR-Laser or from Jian. Only they use these thin mirrors (actually, Jian does, but I am not sure about PR -- they might use thicker ones). The mirrors from One Stop Laser are probably going to be replacement Cambridge mirrors, which are much thicker and would never fit your scanners.
Thanks Bill, I found the site www.pr-laser.net but all in chinese,but my chinese language is a bit rusty..hehe.
I found an email adress when poking around there. So an email has been sent to them
Thanks again Bill.
Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
Riya MultiBus
Pangolin LD2000 Pro
I have the email address for PR. Send me an email if you are interested.
(I don't like to post email addresses in plublic places because of spam robots...)
old laserjet 4 series laser printers have a small fs mirror in the laser scanner assembly (about .25 x .25 inches). the laser is junk but the mirror is fine.
i got mine from jian
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