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Thread: **WARNING** ShenZen Opt Laser **WARNING**

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Connecticut, USA

    Default **WARNING** ShenZen Opt Laser **WARNING**

    I posted this to the ILDA list also-

    Hello Fellow Laserists,

    I hope you are all well. I *never* write to this list. In fact, over the years- maybe 3 or 4 times. But I had the VERY unfortunate dealings with “Elmer” and Shenzen Opt-Laser recently that I felt I had to inform my colleagues about.

    I will try to condense a VERY long story down to as simple and as fact driven as possible. Before I proceed, I want to inform any and all readers that I have pictures, statements, emails and communications to support *ALL* of the claims written below. If *ANY* of you would desire to see proof of any of these claims, please feel free to contact me and I will provide any and all proof. I, like I said, am trying to keep *this* particular email as short and to the point as I can to still allow for the point to be made.

    Here goes-

    1) Approximately 3 months ago I needed to place an order for: (2) 671nm 1.5W Lasers. These were not to be used for light shows. They were to be used for an industrial application. It was a “proof of concept” order. This was (hopefully) going to turn into a *MUCH* larger continuous order of approx. 100+ per year. His was a contractual sale. Elmer at Shenzen OptLaser sent me pricing and gave me a good price. So I ordered them.
    2) I also needed and wanted to “try” a 5 Watt RGB All in one all diode Laser module. This was supposed to be for a client build on a VERY tight budget. And this client was just one of those people that has such drive and “love” for this profession that I wanted to do as much as I could to help him out. Elmer at Shenzen OptLaser said they make a very good (lol- that should have been my first clue) unit and gave me a pretty good price. So I ordered it.
    3) I expressed my concern to Elmer VERY early on and throughout the pre-delivery process that I have dealt with MANY Chinese companies and that my experience with *ALL* of them has been very poor. (As most of you can relate to). I expressed my concern that diodes were NOT to be overdriven. Lasers were NOT to have silly errors made with them (screws forgotten, broken optics, scratched optics, misaligned optics, poor wiring…etc). He ASSURED me that their products and attention to quality and manufacturing would be guaranteed.
    4) I made it VERY CLEAR that upon delivery- please, I beg of you- PLEASE do not forget parts. Do not pack poorly. Do not overlook ANY important shipping details.

    LOL- This is what I got…

    1) I received the order. The (2) 671nm 1.5W Lasers were ordered by Shenzen from ANOTHER company. CNI. (I could have done this myself). Shenzen ordered the (2) Lasers and either A) ordered a lower powered laser and cranked the current up themselves or B) Ordered lower powered Lasers in hopes that dumb Marc from CT. Lasers won’t know how to measure output power on a Laser. BOTH Lasers BARELY STRUGGLED to hit ~900mW. (supposed to be 1.5W). These were measured by a Coherent Field Max CALIBRATED and NIST Traceable meter. So, lets all, just for the sake of argument, assume that Coherent makes semi-decent Laser power meters. (Sense my sarcasm??)
    2) BOTH 671nm lasers have a faint (approx.. 11-14mW) beam radiating even at ZERO input signal and with current knob completely off.
    3) RGB Laser Module: Supposed to be 5W. 637nm/520nm/445nm. Upon initial power up: power reading was struggling to hit 3.4 Watts. But this is where it gets REALLY fun- About 35 seconds in, the fu*king Laser module LITERALLY went up in flames. LITERALLY. 1 of the Red diodes was (from what I can tell through the charred remains) soldered so poorly that 1 of the legs of the diode with the “Lasorb” soldered on was actually either soldered to the brass mount or the bare wire was touching the brass diode. This caused the short and POOF- all of that magic smoke and awesome, pretty little fire escaped.
    4) ALL cords (power and input modulation) cords were “forgotten” in the delivery.
    5) So, in summary- dishonest about 671nm lasers. RGB module WELL underpowered. POOF- fun little fire show. Cords (after I BEGGED Elmer to NOT make all of these silly mistakes) were all forgotten.

    Elmer’s and Shenzen’s replies to these problems-

    1) Sorry. We do not sell 671nm lasers. We ordered theses from a “different company” just as a favor for you. We can not get refund form this “other company” therefore we can not refund you.
    2) Please ship 671 lasers back to us. We will repair. Mind you this order was ALREADY approximately 1.5 months late. Mind you *MY* client was ALREADY furious with me for such a delay. Mind you- to ship products to China WITH insurance costs about $300.
    3) RGB Laser module- You must have hooked up driver to module incorrectly. (I didn’t hook drivers up. They came pre-wired. Lol). 3.4 Watts is typical. We correct beams. Therefore there is a power loss. LOL- oh really? 5 watts down to 3.4 Watts? REALLLY??? Then A) Why was I charged for 5 watts? And B) What optics are you using to drop about 25% of your rated power? Are these plastic optics with scratches in them??
    4) Marc- please pay shipping to ship product back to us. We will not pay for shipping. Why the HELL would I pay to ship YOUR piece of crap product back to you when it arrived defective. Arrived NOT as advertised. Arrived with a COMPLETE ORDER of defective, not as promised components. Shipping would cost ME about $400-$500 with insurance. And after ALL OF THIS- I am supposed to trust you to refund my money? Minus the shipping costs of course.

    Maybe its me…I guess I expected too much from a Chinese company. I expected A) honesty. B) Products in which I paid for. C) WORKING products. D) Delivery within a reasonable amount of time. E)
    Support AFTER the sale.

    I would *STRONGLY* suggest any Laserists out there looking to source from a Chinese company to stay VERY VERY far away from Elmer and ShenZen OptLaser. I have had a HORRENDOUS experience. And I have also learned from MANY other people, including even other Chinese companies- that Shenzen is known for this very poor quality and this horrendous lack of ethics and service.

    -CT. Lasers

    ILDA- U.S. Laser Regulatory Committee

    Authorized Dealer for:

    • Pangolin Laser Software and Hardware
    • KVANT Laser Modules & Laser Systems
    • X-Laser USA
    • CNI Lasers
    • Cambridge Technology & Eye Magic Professional Scanning Systems

    FDA/CDRH Certified Professional LuminanceRGB Laser Light Show Systems

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle, WA


    When you order from another country, instead of a state side you are responsible for shipping if there is any problem. It sucks, but that is part of the cost of doing business with another country. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but when you decide to be an importer, that's an assumed risk and payment for the shipping back for repair is ALWAYS on the purchaser. I bet they would ship it back to you on their dime after repair. I had a vacuum pump that I purchased new that worked for less than an hour and the motor seized. The pump was made in the USA and I was responsible for the shipping back to the manufacturer. If I had purchased it at a local retailer, then the retailer would have paid the shipping. I'm not sure why you are having such a hard time accepting that you are trying to be an Importer/Re-Seller and as such you are responsible for shipping.

    The part about the lasers coming doing lower power is legitimate, but just ship them back for repair. If you have a time sensitive deadline, then go with a local retailer and you can avoid this problem in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Connecticut, USA


    Hi Rick-

    Thanks for your reply. I have been a dealer / importer for Laser products for almost 7 years. I have never ONCE paid for a DEFECTIVE Laser replacement up front. ESPECIALLY one that caught on fire (I must admit- this is a first). When you are a "dealer" and are providing a company many, many thousands of dollars in business- Said company assumes some financial liability themselves. ESPECIALLY when those companies are Chinese. If this Laser module just arrived defective or underpowered and *ALL* of these other problems didn't exist with this order, I honestly wouldn't be so pissed. But this was just a plain ole "Fu*k you Mr. Marc from CT. Lasers!!!" Sorry- but homey don't play that.

    After ALL of this other crap and lies and defects and poor quality and outright dishonest sales practices (read the ILDA email replies!!! this is a track record and par for the course for them) would *YOU* trust sending them products back while they STILL have your money???? HELLL to the NO!!!!!

    ILDA- U.S. Laser Regulatory Committee

    Authorized Dealer for:

    • Pangolin Laser Software and Hardware
    • KVANT Laser Modules & Laser Systems
    • X-Laser USA
    • CNI Lasers
    • Cambridge Technology & Eye Magic Professional Scanning Systems

    FDA/CDRH Certified Professional LuminanceRGB Laser Light Show Systems

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by db3306 View Post
    thanks, got an offer from them on some modules. wont accept now
    Quote Marc's experience as the reason why.

    Never know might help him get a refund if it's costing them business.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    I dunno, to me optlasers stuff stinks of crap..

    I guess thats why RGB laser verkoop resells it, lol
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Connecticut, USA


    I will update this thread as needed...

    I received a reply from "Elmer" via an email. He stated that he will now refund my money *AND* shipping costs when I send the RGB module back. I *REFUSE* to send the product back without a refund on his part. At least, perhaps even a compromise. I don't see why I should, but maybe I compromise and ask for 50% refund immediately. balance of refund upon the SECOND they receive the RGB module return. Thoughts??

    Its amazing how I have not heard ONE SINGLE even semi-positive, remotely positive, shit- even "neutral" comment about these guys. How is it they are still in business?? Some of the replies I have gotten both publically and privately from people *and* companies are just HORRIFIC.

    I'll update as needed.


    ILDA- U.S. Laser Regulatory Committee

    Authorized Dealer for:

    • Pangolin Laser Software and Hardware
    • KVANT Laser Modules & Laser Systems
    • X-Laser USA
    • CNI Lasers
    • Cambridge Technology & Eye Magic Professional Scanning Systems

    FDA/CDRH Certified Professional LuminanceRGB Laser Light Show Systems

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    How is it they are still in business??
    one word: cheap

    Only the lowend market is buying their stuff and that market is real big. Only mw/euro/usd is compared because of the lack of knowledge. The average person doesn,t even know what divergence is or what tec cooling is for example. The knowledge pretty much end with TTL and maybe kpps. The average guys finds a reseller from OPT and he 30kpps and 3 watt for less then 1000usd oh that is cheap lets buy it!!!!! Laserprojectors have become part of the consumer market.... damn its broken oh well it was cheap, i buy a new one......

    Cheap always sells , always........

    I can do everything that they can and with better specs when it comes to modules. What i can,t do is to match their price......... Want a projector with good quallity? Just buy a green only and drop in some good modules.......
    Last edited by edison; 09-13-2014 at 08:06.

    Interested in 6-12W RGB projectors with low divergence? Contact me by PM!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle, WA


    I have always sent my goods back, then waited for the refund, just like ebay. Otherwise how could they know that you will ship it back and that it is defective? I had a customer do that exact thing to me before, told me that it was broken, I refunded their money, and guess what, they never sent back the supposed broken unit, and then guess what, looking at their Facebook page, they were using it every weekend and refused to reply to anything. Lesson learned on my part, refund when the unit is in my hands and I have tested it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by edison View Post
    one word: cheap

    Only the lowend market is buying their stuff and that market is real big. Only mw/euro/usd is compared because of the lack of knowledge. The average person doesn,t even know what divergence is or what tec cooling is for example. The knowledge pretty much end with TTL and maybe kpps. The average guys finds a reseller from OPT and he 30kpps and 3 watt for less then 1000usd oh that is cheap lets buy it!!!!! Laserprojectors have become part of the consumer market.... damn its broken oh well it was cheap, i buy a new one......

    Cheap always sells , always........

    I can do everything that they can and with better specs when it comes to modules. What i can,t do is to match their price......... Want a projector with good quallity? Just buy a green only and drop in some good modules.......
    And cheap is the reason that Marc went with them in the first place…

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Yep that is for sure the only way......

    And cheap is the reason that Marc went with them in the first place…
    Could be, it amazes me that with a chance of selling 100 units the choice was being made for a company like OPT in the first place. I would for sure choose to buy from CNI directly. Selling things very cheap should ring some bells but even the most experianced (me included) made such a mistake in the beginning. There is is no shortcut when it comes to lasers.

    Maybe marc can ask if they could do this one in 1500mw with an OEM driver :

    I,m sure they can do it and with 100 units i,m sure they can do a competitive price.

    It also depends on what the client his budget is but in the industry its more a mather of get it done and the price is not to much an issue most of the time as long as it gets done......

    Interested in 6-12W RGB projectors with low divergence? Contact me by PM!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Cape Town, South Africa


    Thanks for the warning. I know what it's like to default on deadlines, hugely embarrassing and in a cut-throat industry based on reputation it can really do damage.

    Here's some neutral feedback about them: I have two 1W 532nm modules from them and they are clearly not great build quality, however they actually have tighter divergence and a better beam profile than the 1W CNI I own which cost considerably more. I have had no problems with them thus far and they have been maybe run 100 continuous hours. I do not own a power meter so cannot comment on output.

    Wishing you well.

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