Hellow,, i just want make funny thread..
What LASER Just bought by you today. ??
Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard Bought it at amazon.
Hellow,, i just want make funny thread..
What LASER Just bought by you today. ??
Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard Bought it at amazon.
Most recent addition to my collection of lasers is this one, a nice little 1988 Cyonics / Uniphase model 2202-35LL air cooled argon ion laser sporting a blue paint job. I wonder why blue is so popular among laser makers? I find very few lasers with red covers. Blue, grey, black and white seem to be the favorites.
Spam Bot 10kw laser
LGK7212 bought by the buyer : P
IMG_0630 by TwirlyWhirly555, on Flickr
The glint in your eyes .....
the warmth and the light ....
is everything you love ...
burning right before you ...
Vag Burner.
Nothing like 2 ladies, some sheets and a good toy!