..Jus' like the title says, wanting one (or more..) of these pups: https://docs.sony.com/release/specs/PCVLX920_mksp.pdf ...in good working order. LX600-800 Series need-not apply (those don't have the 'tablet-screen', so, no thanks..) 'Cosmetics' are not so important, but the PC 'core' must be solid, and everything must work, to be-of interest. Obviously, a US-side sale is preferred, but am-willing to consider Euro-based / other Country-based buys.. If you have one / know someone that has one they'd be willing to sell, please contact me asap, we *love* these old-skool bricks, and I'm willing to pay (reasonably...) top-dollar..
..Why in the frack would we want / use such a dinosaur? Cuz, frankly, nothing has come close, since-them, to having all the features we want it for, 'all-in-one'.. Yes, I know all the 'counter-arguments' (ie: 'QM2K's can be a .net' / or, 'use an FB3', blee-blah, blah..) but, no thanks, we like / need these-specific rigs, y punto.. The built-in Wacom-tablet is *awesome*, for graphics / sho-creation, and it's got 2x PCI-slots, PCMCIA-slot, 5 USBs, built-in speakers, CD/DVD, etc, etc, and they've always been great performers, in-spite of their 'age'.. Plus, you can fit the entire rig in a carry-on..
..Thanks for any leads / passing this 'Wanted poster' along..