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Thread: Not sure if this post is in the correct place, but...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Cool Not sure if this post is in the correct place, but...

    I've been into lasers for quite some time now, and I just recently discovered that two of my projectors aren't FDA approved...
    Updating these projectors would be a little bit above my budget and I don't know what to do with them.

    Really disappointing when they've been pretty awesome to my shows and stuff, but its a no-go since I don't want anyone getting hurt.

    What the heck do I do with these two units??
    Obviously I can't sell them in the USA. Should I just scrap the diodes and parts?
    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    DC/VA metro area, USA


    Welcome to PL! I am sure you will got lots of great advice. But in order to get it, you'll need to give the folks here a little more to go on:

    * What projectors do you have? (Possibly someone here has experience with it and can advise directly)
    * What kind of shows are you doing and under what circumstances? (The use dictates requirements in many cases)
    * Are you handy with electronics or mechanical tools? (Maybe you can bring them in to compliance yourself!)
    * Where are you located? (Maybe there is someone nearby who can help you)

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