Hi All,
From advise given on this forum I have just brought a KVANT Clubmax 3000 and the safety lens –d 6 with bracket. ….. (what an amazing machine)…
The Laser power has been measured (please see PDF):
Red 637 nm: 0,638 w
Green 520 nm: 0,908 w
Blue 445 nm: 1,768 w
We also have Pangolin Quickshow. Assuming Quickshow is on default settings and on 100% power, could anyone please give me a rough estimate (that I won’t hold anyone to) as to the safe distance with the lens attached.
It would also be very helpful if I could also get a rough idea of what this distance would be if the Laser was powered down to 60% via Quickshow.
I’m aware that other factors can come into play so I’m really just looking a very rough idea please.