Well now they've got a 622nM diode
I wonder what the price is..
Well now they've got a 622nM diode
I wonder what the price is..
Last edited by steve-o; 04-17-2007 at 06:21.
They Are Very, very expensive...
And fragile...
"My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
*^_^* aka PhiloUHF
I kinda thought they might be..
Oh well.. my search for pseudo-supercontinuum goes on
Hey Chuck--
You ever heard of simple direct freq-doubling 976nM to 488 cyan-blue?
Hope ur feeling better got over the bug?
IfIf you want to see one of these bad boys they're going to be in Orlando (ICALEO)May, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at CLEO (Booth 1804)
May, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at CLEO (Booth 1804)
June, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at Photonics North
August, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at Optics & Photonics
October, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at MD & M Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minnesota (Booth #2031)
RPMC will exhibit at ICALEO Orlando, Florida
June, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at Photonics North
August, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at Optics & Photonics
October, 2007:
RPMC will exhibit at MD & M Minneapolis Minneapohttp://www.rpmclasers.com/whatsnew.htmlis, Minnesota (Booth #2031)
RPMC will exhibit at ICALEO Orlando, Florida
Last edited by steve-o; 04-19-2007 at 03:55.
Just how fragile are these? Do you mean ESD or easily breakable?
I bet you could sell a 150mw orange pointer for $1000 right now
--that'd be $440 profit ea.
Last edited by steve-o; 04-24-2007 at 10:17.
Well, not quite...
Those diodes must be cooled to use them as they are very temperature sensitive
plus by the time you get special optics, a decent case and supply worked out
it'l cost a bit more, Prolly double to do it right.
I wouldnt bother with the pointer thing tho,.
I have trouble with selling something of that high of power that could be hand-held and could be miss-used improperly.
I dont want to be responsible for that.
I am very familiar with their products tho,.
Just wish they were'nt quite so expensive.
Yeah, Id say expensive , especially if one was to suddenly quit
working from ESD or handling.
All you'd have left is an expensive piece of jewelry.
Like some of these violet diodes Spec and I own.
I am very familiar with their products.
Just wish they were'nt so expensive.. they do not offer free engineering samples
Last edited by marconi; 04-27-2007 at 06:06.
"My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
*^_^* aka PhiloUHF
Thanks for the response.
Makes sense.
I forgot about TEC and the morality issue also makes good sense.
Ah, well, as the technology evolves- maybe'll take the prices down a tad.