1: I have a client that wants an outdoor loop show set on power timer or triggered(Japanese coders and engineers working on it), they prefer ilda over ethernet for remote computer, I am considering STANDALONE FB3 SE with ilda/pango format loaded on sd card from LasershowConvertor Flash or beyond,
or run ethernet thru qm2000net and LD2000 (does qmnet work with beyond?) from remote computer.
I will be working with them to convert content and want best results I figured LCFlash may be best for FLV mov from them. or can beyond do something similar?
bearing in mind can FB3SE standalone offer geometric correction?I think not but cant test as my 5volt jumpers are soldiered on my FB3SEs...
.... if not im still leaning towards doing an edit of the 3min animation loop and geometric correcting it then loading it onto the fb3 and triggering thru power from laser on.
2: Is Lasershow convertor FLASH compatible with beyond, and/or can it work in standalone mode to output ilda format?
any thoughts?