ECCS LSRKNOB - Laser Signal Knob Box & LSRFX - Rev. 0 Laser Effects Control Board
I have acquired some 19" rack laser control boxes made by East Coast Control Systems and am in seek of any info anyone might have on these.
I have googled for images or info and the only thing I can find is on the company website where they call it a Laser Knob Box.
The only thing they say about it is this:
"One ECCS Laser Knob Box to provide electronics for the following:
a) User controls allow the image size and location to be adjusted for particular show or venue requirements.
b) Signal Processing circuitry provides for the correct playback of show material created for older display systems. (A unique ECCS feature!).
c) Automatic shuttering circuitry eliminates stray light between laser segments. (Another exclusive ECCS feature).
d) Master Reset circuitry to meet CDRH requirements.
Inside this, on the pcb there is a large jumper area for setting up 8 colors, who would ever think we could use that many?
It has DB25s for the ADAT input and the "Pangolin" input, does anyone even know if this -Pangolin- connector is following the levels and wiring as todays ILDA?
There is also a D25 on the PCAOM outputs and for a Remote, the Scan heads would connect to a D9 connector, again - even though this is not a D25, would it still yet have the ILDA signal levels?
ECCS LSRFX - Rev. 0 Laser Effects Control Board
The 2nd box has this printed on its PCB:
"LSRFX - Rev. 0 Laser Effects Control Board"
It has controls for lumia and for a turret and possibly for a beam table.
I would rather cross my fingers and hope that somebody shares their knowledge or files they have on these Old School toys than trace the wiring on these myself.